Wind turbines & PV versus ideology

2023-08-25 11:51:06

In response to the letter to the SN from Helmut W. Czepe, who accused our environment minister of “blind ideology”, a environment minister who puts her heart and soul into her work and is extremely committed, the following must be made clear: every technology also has its disadvantages, namely energy is not free. Railing against wind turbines and PV systems is very popular with some at the moment, as they are green technologies, and “green” seems to be a dirty word for some in this country. Burning oil platforms, sunken oil tankers with catastrophic damage to nature, dependence on Putin and more and more CO₂ in the air are faded out while trying to find as many hairs in the soup as possible with the renewables.

I think it’s a rumor that the small animal world is threatened with PV systems on meadows due to the shadows. Rather, many an animal would be happy to have more shade in the rising heat. Anyone who wants to be in the sun will find it. In terms of land use, I refer to Agri-PV, a very good combination of energy production and agriculture. A visit to the EWS Sonnenfeld in Bruck/Leitha, an Agri-PV reference system, shows very well that some plants even grow better through (partial) shading. Because of “nothing grows anymore”. Anyone who accuses others of ideology should look into themselves and question their own, pursued ideology.

Horst Gassner, 5325 Plainfeld

#Wind #turbines #ideology

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