With a banana at the ready: the grown-up son of Arzamasova and Averbukh was removed at an unexpected moment

In August last year, a common heir was born in a young family of a figure skating luminary and a charming actress. For several weeks, the parents hesitated to name the long-awaited baby, fearing that the wrong choice would not suit his character.

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As fans of the star of the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters” later noted, not without laughter, the boy would hardly have been called Leo if he had a simple and accommodating disposition. Despite the difficulties associated with motherhood, Elizaveta Arzamasova resumed her acting career a few months after the birth of the heir.

To date, the wife of the famous figure skater and choreographer combines his favorite work with filming in the project “Ice Age”, where she has to demonstrate not only artistry, but also excellent physical fitness. A separate feat of the charming Lisa is the grueling workouts that the rating project has long been famous for.

And yet, despite the colossal employment, the star mommy always finds time to communicate with little Leva. Mom and a nanny help raise her son Lisa, so the artist can safely engage in creative self-realization, because her most precious treasure is under supervision. Recently, the wife of Ilya Averbukh is increasingly sharing with fans, frames that capture the beloved son.

This time, for example, the fans of “daddy’s daughter” gasped at the sight of a charming “sailor”, deftly cracking down on a ripe banana. At the same time, even the naked eye was enough to understand how similar outwardly mother and son are. According to the Internet audience, Leva is an exact copy of Lisa, the boy inherited from his father only a piercing look of brown eyes and, apparently, a strong-willed character.

“Did dad not participate in the creation of a masterpiece?”; “Liza, Levushka looks like you, only her eyes, as I understand it, are brown”; “How can you be a copy of mom! Happiness to you “; “Wonderful boy. You look and smile, it’s so nice, ”commentators generous with compliments praised the star offspring.

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