With a fixed monthly return.. The National Bank offers a one-year savings certificate with amazing benefits

Thousands of citizens accept to buy savings certificates with a competitive return from various Egyptian banks, and during the last period, savings certificates from Egyptian banks have expired, with the exception of only one certificate, which is the “Investment Certificate (B)”, to remain the ideal choice for those wishing to invest their money with a fixed competitive return within a year Today, we will learn about the details and everything related to this certificate and its advantages.

Investment Certificate (B) from the National Bank

The National Bank was able to keep the so-called investment certificate (B), which is characterized by a fixed return over a full year, and its price starts from 500 pounds and its multiples. As for the advantages of this certificate, they are as follows:

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  • It enables you to obtain a loan from the National Bank with its guarantee.
  • The fixed return on the certificate is due every month, and you can get it through ATMs.
  • You get 11% interest from that certificate.
  • Natural persons, Egyptians and foreigners, adults and minors, can obtain the certificate.
  • It is noteworthy that the National Bank raised the interest rates on that certificate by about 1.5% to 2% yesterday, Monday, after offering two savings certificates with a fixed return of 19% and 22% decreasing for a period of 3 years.

New savings certificates

Since the beginning of this month, Egyptian banks have issued a large number of new savings certificates with high returns, and the duration of each certificate is three years. Arab Investment, National Kuwait, and Egyptian Export Development.

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