Women – The Benefits of Exercise help control weight reduce the risk of disease

Monday, August 22, 2022, 06.10 a.m.

because happiness begins with good health and good health can come from “Exercise” is one of the key factors that will help promote good health for people of all ages. Because exercise contains many benefits both physically and mentally. If practiced regularly This will lead to a sustainable overall quality of life.

Due to lifestyle changes, most of the daily routines or work are immobile. which less exercise can affect health Because exercise helps the brain work better. help control weight reduce the risk of disease strengthen bones and muscles

Dr. Werayut Tanori, a specialist in general practice health check-up center Nawavej Hospital Has brought up information about the benefits of exercise to describe all aspects. In order for everyone to realize the value of exercise that has a positive effect on the body and mind, exercise is also suitable for people of all ages. If practiced regularly It will help increase the efficiency of daily use better.

The benefits of exercise are as follows: 1. Exercise helps the brain work better. It occurs after moderate to vigorous exercise. It improves thinking or cognition for children aged 6-13 and reduces feelings of anxiety in adults. Regular exercise can improve your thinking, learning, and decision-making skills. It can also reduce the risk of depression. anxiety and help you sleep well

2. Weight control eating and exercise regularly plays an important role in weight management You should exercise for up to 150 minutes a week or 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. and should control food together

3. Cardiovascular disease Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death. At least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. It reduces the risk of developing these diseases. In addition, regular exercise can lower blood pressure. and increase the level of good fats

4. Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome Regular exercise can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is too much waist circumference. high blood pressure, low levels of good cholesterol high triglycerides or high blood sugar, etc.

5. Some types of cancer Exercise reduces the risk of developing many common cancers, such as bladder cancer. distal colon cancer endometrial cancer Stomach cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, etc.

6. Strengthen bones, joints and muscles For the elderly, it is important to protect bones, joints and muscles. Exercise will help maintain bone, joints, muscles and help to build stronger muscle mass. This is important for older adults as it improves their ability to perform daily activities effectively. and reduces the risk of injuries caused by falls such as hip fractures It was found that people who did not exercise were more at risk of hip fractures than those who exercised.

However, if you have any questions about health and exercise, you can ask for details and get a consultation at health check-up center Nawavej Hospital Tel. 02-4839999 I www.navavej.com

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