Women, these are the possible causes of the need to urinate often

Women, has it happened to you that when you are at a family reunion, hanging out with friends or simply doing your daily tasks, you need to go to the bathroom frequently? And this causes them discomfort, bad temper and even shame with those present.

Therefore, finding the cause becomes an urgent and titanic task. As a preamble to an answer, experts point out that Constant urination can result from diseases that affect the urinary tract at any level.

“The urinary tract includes the kidneys, the pathways that connect the kidneys to the bladder (ureters), the bladder, and the tube through which urine flows out of our body (urethra),” explains the Mayo Clinic.

With this context, they detail that there are factors that may be involved with frequent urination.

  1. Bladder infection, disease, injury, or irritation.
  2. Conditions that increase urine output.
  3. Changes in muscles, nerves, or other tissues that affect bladder function.
  4. Certain cancer treatments.
  5. Medications or drinks that increase urine output.

In addition, they associate five symptoms that women can present. “Pain or discomfort when urinating, urgent need to urinate, difficulty urinating, loss of bladder control, and atypically colored urine.”

They also state that there are about 20 specific diseases, conditions, or other causes of frequent urination.

They mention, among the most common and understandable, excessive consumption of total fluids, alcohol or caffeine, interstitial cystitis, urinary incontinence or pregnancy.

In addition to anterior vaginal prolapse (cystocele), benign prostatic hyperplasia, bladder stones, changes in kidney function. Also related are diabetes insipidus, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, anxiety disorders, kidney infection (pyelonephritis), overactive bladder, radiation treatment affecting the pelvis or lower abdomen, urethral stricture. (narrowing of the urethra), urinary tract infection, and vaginitis.

What happens when a man feels the urge to urinate frequently?

The need to go to the bathroom frequently to urinate can become a habit that many identify with women, however, this can be a sign of various conditions in both men and the female population.

Some of these diagnoses can lead to irreversible damage to the human body, so it is not a detail to ignore.

The portal of the National Library of Medicine of the United States, Medline Plus, explains that the urine process begins with the filtration of waste and excess water that is produced in the kidneys, the blood would be in charge of transporting the waste to the mentioned organ in which, already transformed, urine is directed to the bladder and this liquid is stored until it is deposited in the bathroom.

The reglón followed, stresses that “The bladder expands when it is full and gets smaller when it is empty. If your urinary system is working normally, your bladder can comfortably store up to 16 ounces (177 cc or two cups) of urine for two to five hours.”, so then, the normal process is that an average person is urinating every two hours. If this occurs more frequently than mentioned, and if it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, loss of bladder control, an atypical color, a low amount of fluid, among others, it may be a sign of irregularities in the body. .

Among the most frequent and not necessarily serious problems related to the need to urinate frequently are infections, bladder injuries, changes in muscles, nerves or other tissues that affect the system; the consumption of medicines or drinks that increase the production of urine; It can even be caused by some cancer treatments, according to the American organization Mayo Clinic.

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