World Day Against Prostate Cancer: Prevention and Screening Tests for Men’s Health

2023-06-09 16:25:00

Every June 11 marks the world day against prostate cancer, one of the deadliest in men. How to prevent it and what are the screening tests?

This type of cancer takes place in one of glandular organs of the male reproductive system called prostate. the condition occurs when some cells mutate and begin to multiply uncontrollably. It’s the kind of most common cancer in mendeveloping from 50 years.

What worries is that this type of disease does not present symptoms, while the tumor is located inside the prostate and even if it has invaded the capsule or the seminal vesicles.


Katherine Toapanta, an Aprofe urologist, affirms that it is necessary to have a preventive examination from the age of 45, even more so when there is a history of this condition in a family member.

The symptoms of prostate cancer are:

  • Pain, burning, or itching when urinating or in the genital area
  • Difficulty starting to urinate
  • frequent desire to urinate
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder completely
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Continuous pain in the lower back, pelvis, or thighs
  • Also read: Why the digital rectal exam is still used to detect prostate cancer and other pathologies

    The probability of survive this type of pathology depends on its early detection, since like other types, if it is identified in first phases, You have several medical treatment options. According to experts, if a man undergoes preventive examinations each year and the condition is identified, there is a high percentage of chances of cure.


    Los men with personal or family history of this type of condition, annual check-ups should be carried out from the age of 50. In addition, consultation with a specialist is recommended, at least once a year, since, regular controls allow more than 90% of cases to be detected on time.

    The exams depend on the process of each patient:

  • 1. The prostate antigen test: the blood sample is taken.
  • 2. Rectal examination: it is a physical examination that a specialist does to feel the state of the organs with his finger.
  • 3. Transrectal ultrasound: an ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum.
  • 4. Prostate biopsies: a tissue sample is removed by means of a fine needle that is inserted through the rectum
  • 5. Multiparametric magnetic resonance: it is a radiological test

    Age is the main risk factor for prostate cancer. more than 75% of cases are diagnosed in people over 65 years of age. However, leading a disorderly life can also develop pathology.

    It is estimated that 1 in 6 men will develop prostate cancer throughout his life. Therefore, experts recommend reducing the consumption of saturated fats, give up smoking, avoid continuous contact with metals, have less exposure to the sun, lose weight and not have a sedentary life.

    It may interest you: Early intervention is key to stopping the progression of prostate cancer

    In Ecuador, 70% of prostate cancer cases They are detected late and in advanced stages. It is estimated that at least 36 men out of every 100,000 inhabitants suffer from this disease, with Quito being the city with the highest incidence, 60 patients out of every 100,000 inhabitants.

    54% of confirmed cases in Ecuador were detected in phase two, while 19% in phase 4, however, according to data from Solca Quito survival is 82% in the country.

    In accordance with GLOBOCAN estimatesin the year 2035 will be diagnosed 5,789 cases of prostate cancer in Ecuador, which means an increase of 78.2% in relation to the year 2020.

    More information: The revolutionary finding that links prostate cancer with bacteria in the urine

    This pathology it’s deadly and silent so the early detection allows timely treatment.

    #Prostate #cancer #common #world #late #detection

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