Worrying data has come to light in the USA regarding COVID vaccines

Worrying data has come to light regarding mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Among American adults, pulmonary embolism, cardiovascular, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune system, and menstrual problems increased dramatically after vaccination.

In the age group over 18, the American authorities thought they discovered 770 different types of adverse events, among which the previously disputed myocarditis was also included.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) establishedthat in less than two years of use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, the number of reported serious adverse events is 5.5 times greater than the number of adverse events from vaccines given to adults in the United States since 2009.

There were twice as many reports of serious side effects compared to all other vaccines given to adults. Although many may refer to the fact that more COVID vaccines have been administered than other vaccines, this is not about the number of side effects reported, but the rate of each side effect. The CDC began evaluating side effects on March 25, 2022, even though the vaccine had been administered to both adults and adolescents for 15 months. You should have already conducted a safety test before using the vaccine and at the initial stage, but this was not done. A safety study does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the vaccine, but the devil does not sleep. In matters of health, where the lives of billions of people around the world are at stake, safety is paramount.

VAERS, the American platform for reporting side effects, has continuously received side effects registered by individuals and medical personnel, however, CDC didn’t really care before. He later conducted an analysis, but the results of this have not been made public until now.

The side effects were examined separately later on 5-11 year olds, 12-17 year olds and for persons over 18 years of age. A separate table was created for side effects classified as serious and non-serious. Serious is one that involves death, a life-threatening event, new or prolonged hospitalization, disability or permanent impairment, or a congenital abnormality.

Unfortunately, it can be stated that the incidence of myocarditis, pericarditis, Bell’s palsy, genital ulcers, high blood pressure and increased heart rate, menstrual disorders, heart valve disorders, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrhythmias, thrombosis, and appendicitis was extremely high among both children and adults. and perforated appendix and chest pain.

Of course, the first criticisms arrived in this regard as well, according to which the system for reporting side effects is faulty, which is why there are so many reports related to COVID vaccines. Several have claimed that the VAERS reports were artificially inflated to misrepresent mRNA vaccines.

But the thing is, the CDC has a way to tell the difference between artificial inflation and a real signal, so it’s at least 95% sure that the reports are real.

There were those who explained the high number of side effects by the fact that a lot of COVID vaccines were administered, since 600 million doses of vaccine were administered in the USA by the end of July last year. This is also true, but in recent years, a similarly large number of flu vaccines were administered, but there were not so many problems with them.

Several people questioned the reliability of VAERS data. However, if this is not high quality data, why is the CDC using this data in top medical journals such as The Lancet? If the data were worthless, these journals should not accept these articles.

By the way, many side effects were also identified by Israeli doctors, including appendicitis, which appeared in many vaccinees 42 days after the Pfizer vaccine. The Israeli study also found an increase in the incidence of lymphadenitis (swollen lymph nodes) following vaccination.

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