WWDC23 will take place between the 5th and 9th of June, announces Apple

Attention developers and enthusiasts! Apple has just announced the dates of Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2023its annual event focused on software news.

According to the company, the conference will take place between June 5th and 9th and, repeating last year’s dose, it will be partially face-to-face, and the opening keynote will probably continue to be 100% recorded.

If this is your first time following the event, WWDC, as its name suggests, is a conference aimed at developers — but that we, mere mortals, also love to follow —, in which we see the presentation of new operating systems. So we can wait for the announcement of the iOS 17, do iPadOS 17, do macOS 14 (codename still unknown), from watchOS 10 It’s from tvOS 17.

Although it is not common for us to see new devices being presented during the conference, there is a great possibility that we will have, this year, the presentation of the highly anticipated mixed reality headset (virtual and augmented) of the Apple. If that happens, it is almost certain that we will also be introduced to “xrOS” — or whatever Apple intends to call the operating system of its next big product (other bets are “realityOS” or simply “rOS”).

There is also the possibility — albeit remote — that Apple will introduce products such as a new 15-inch MacBook Air (followed by the 13″ model), a new 13″ MacBook Pro, a new 24″ iMac or, whoever you know, the long-awaited Mac Pro (the only Mac still using Intel chips).

In addition to the opening keynote, WWDC23 will, of course, feature the State of the Uniononline sessions, and one-on-one labs where developers can receive technical guidance and new ways to interact with Apple engineers and designers to learn what’s new in their ecosystem.

Students, in turn, will once again be able to participate in the Swift Student Challengea program inaugurated at the 2020 edition of WWDC for students who intend to develop applications for Maçã systems and which has already become a tradition.

To the devs on call, it’s always a good idea to take a look at the portal and the app created for developers. It is in them that Apple always releases detailed information about the event. ????

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