“Xanthelasma and Arcus Senilis: Signs of High Cholesterol and How to Lower It”

2023-05-12 09:54:50

Cholesterol is vital to the proper functioning of the body, but too much of it will increase the risk of heart disease. A sign on your body lets you know if you have it.

Knowing your cholesterol level is vital for reducing your risk of heart disease. To find out, a simple blood test is enough. But for those who would like to avoid the “laboratory” box, they can rely on a sign present at eye level. “If you have white or yellow bumps near your eyelids or nose, this could be a sign of high cholesterol. These are called xanthelasma deposits and may indicate that you have high cholesterol”told The Sun Dr Rachel whose remarks were reported by the Mirror.

Studies have shown that about half of people with xanthelasma have high cholesterol. Note that high cholesterol can also cause a blue, white or light gray ring to form around the colored part of the eye, the iris. This phenomenon, known as arcus senilis, can start at the top or bottom of the cornea, but over time will form a complete ring.

To Lower Your Cholesterol, Avoid Eating Certain Foods

As a reminder, cholesterol is a fatty lipid substance present in the blood. There are two types: HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The first (high density lipoprotein) is necessary for overall cardiovascular health. As for the second, (low density lipoprotein), it forms in the arteries and causes an increase in blood pressure.

To lower your cholesterol levels, it is strongly advised to reduce the consumption of certain foods, including sausages, fatty meat, butter, cream, hard cheese such as cheddar, cakes, cookies and foods containing coconut oil or palm oil.

VIDEO – Cholesterol, what is it exactly?

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