Xingping public security traffic police station is good to start school, the first post guards the safe road to school

Xingping public security traffic police station is good to start school, the first post guards the safe road to school

2022-02-17 15:16:15Source: Xi’an News Network

Xi’an News Network News In order to ensure the safety and orderliness of the campus and surrounding traffic on the opening day of the spring school in 2022, the traffic police brigade of Xingping City Public Security Bureau of Xianyang City, in view of the public security and traffic characteristics on the first day of school, combined with the distribution locations of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the jurisdiction and the number of students, advance Planning, careful deployment, and hierarchical distribution of police force, adopting the method of leading the class and the police setting posts and responsibilities, and implementing the “nursing post” duties to each civilian auxiliary police officer.

On February 16, the first day of school, the police on duty did a good job of “nursing school” during the time and road sections where students went to and from school in their jurisdiction, strengthened road control, and increased the command and guidance of passing vehicles and students’ vehicles. Investigate and clear up traffic safety hazards such as random parking of surrounding vehicles and illegal road occupation, guide students to park in an orderly manner, ensure that the surrounding roads are unobstructed, and ensure that “see police cars, police lights, and police” at the gate of the campus, and go all out to create safety , A harmonious and orderly campus and surrounding environment to ensure that teachers and students enter the school safely and the campus starts safely.

At the same time, the brigade strengthened the publicity and education of traffic safety, and the auxiliary policemen actively promoted traffic laws and regulations to parents, guided the masses to consciously abide by traffic laws and regulations, jointly maintained a safe, orderly and smooth road traffic environment, and helped parents through entertaining and entertaining methods. Students establish the traffic safety awareness of “knowing danger and avoiding danger”, and by educating a student, influencing a family, driving a community, and radiating the whole society, forming a good fashion of building and sharing civilized transportation by the whole people. (Yu Zhonghu, correspondent Yan Fengchun, correspondent of Lu Cong, correspondent of all media of Xi’an Press)

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