XIV Congress of Medical Education

The Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) and the State Council of Medical Students (CEEM)continue to bet on “joining forces to carry out information and teaching actions related to the Rheumatologywith the aim of improving knowledge of this specialty among medical students in Spain”. Within this framework, both entities have met in Santander between 15 and 17 September to celebrate the ‘XIV Congress of Medical Education’.

In the words of the SER spokesperson and head of the Rheumatology Service in the Marquis de Valdecilla University Hospital of Santander, the Dr. Ricardo Blanco, “knowing the different specialties as well as possible allows students to better choose their future as medical professionals”. And it is that, “sometimes, academic training is not enough to know all the aspects of the specialty, that’s why these meetings are important“, comments Blanco in reference to the ‘XIV Congress of Medical Education’.

As the SER explains, “Rheumatology deals with the medical pathologies of the musculoskeletal systemas well as systemic autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, Sjögren’s syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis”. In this sense, Dr. Blanco explains that rheumatologists are doctors trained “specifically” for the management of these pathologies.

“Rheumatologists have to work in multidisciplinary teams with other specialties such as Paediatrics, Pulmonology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Nephrology, Gynecology and Digestive Medicine, which makes it necessary for us to be in continuous training”

“Our specialty has developed exponentially in recent years both in diagnosis and treatment. We have increasingly effective and precise therapies in these diseases that are very prevalent. In addition, there is a great scientific production and research projects, many of them endorsed by our scientific society”, comments Dr. Blanco.

Likewise, the rheumatologist points out the importance of teamwork between specialties: “Given the complexity of rheumatic diseases and the effects they can have on different organs and systems of the body, rheumatologists have to work in multidisciplinary teams with other specialties such as Pediatrics, PneumologyOphthalmology, Dermatology, nephrology, Gynecology y Digestivewhich makes it necessary for us to be in continuous training”.

The SER reports that doctors Julio Sánchez, Belén Atienza, Javier Loricera, Íñigo González and José Luis Martínfrom the Rheumatology Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, have participated as speakers in the scientific program of the Medical Education Congress, organized by the CEEM.

Through this event, professionals have brought Rheumatology closer to students through a workshop on infiltrations and another on clinical cases, in addition to a round table on innovative therapies. The SER has also been present at the round table on scientific dissemination, in which the company’s communication manager, Ana de las Heras.

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