Xu Nailin generously borrowed 500,000 Xu Xiaoshun to buy dzi beads 25 years ago to add value: I was afraid that he would share profits with me | Entertainment | CTWANT

Xu Nailin and Xu Xiaoshun attended the 18% public welfare activity of the Art Youth Association today (25th). Xu Xiaoshun revealed that the dzi beads he wore on his body asked for 800,000 25 years ago. At that time, he asked Xu Nailin to borrow 500,000, and the other party agreed, which made Xu Xiaoshun quite moved. After the conversation changed, he laughed and said that the dzi beads have increased a lot now, “but I won’t tell him how much the value has increased, because he has a good business sense and I’m afraid he will share profits with me.”

Xu Nailin’s new show was closed, and he generously confirmed it. (Photo/Photo by Zhao Wenbin)

Recently, there have been frequent regrets in the entertainment industry. Xu Nailin bluntly said that Ai Cheng’s love for Wang Tong and Yu Yuanqi’s brave fight against cancer are all examples. He also praised Yu Yuanqi as being very great, “It’s really not easy to see her mental journey, I think everything is fate, and everyone encounters it differently. I have a relative’s child who underwent rectal cancer surgery and chemotherapy more than 10 years ago. Now Very good.” He also called for maintaining good health, in addition to living a normal life, eating well, exercising, mood, and regular health checks are also important.

And Xu Nailin’s new show “Ace Spy vs Spy” was only hosted for one season before it was closed. He bluntly said that the 8 o’clock period has always been a drama, and the TV station originally hoped to try to attract other ethnic groups, “But the environment is like this, we try our best to do it. , being happy is the most important thing.”

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