“You are in a black hole”… Kim confides in her depression

2023-05-09 16:02:36

“I made my first suicide attempt when I was 14. It is with these words that begins the testimony of Kim, 24, who agreed to speak in front of the camera for My head and me, the series 20 Minutes on the mental health of young people. The young woman suffered harassment during her schooling. “People would go out with me for a pledge, because you don’t go out with the fat one from college. The teenager then enters a vicious circle. “I was unhappy to gain weight, but as I was unhappy, I ate and therefore I regained weight. »

At 15, the young girl weighs 150 kg and sinks into a deep depression. “You are in a black hole. You don’t want anything. Even the things that give you the most pleasure in life become a test. Kim makes several suicide attempts. In all, she will spend nearly two years in hospital.

It was seeing her friends pass the baccalaureate that Kim clicked. Of her own free will, for the first time, she decides to be hospitalized again, attends all the support groups and consults a psychiatrist daily. “It lasted three months and when I left, I was transformed. Today, the young woman speaks openly about her mental health on her social networks. “I have moments of less well, but I manage to take them with greater ease. »

Kim’s video testimony can be found at the top of this article.

If you feel suicidal thoughts or are close to someone who does, you can call the national Suffering and Suicide Prevention number at 31 14 (professional and confidential listening 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

If you are between 12 and 25 years old and need a listening ear, you can call Fil Santé Jeunes on 0800 235 236 (free listening 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to midnight) or speak on the Fil Santé Jeunes chat (from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.).

If you feel bad and need to talk, don’t hesitate to call the SOS Amitié association on 09 72 39 40 50 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

#black #hole #Kim #confides #depression

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