you can now send 200 messages a day to Microsoft AI

Good news for those who are used to chatting with artificial intelligence on a daily basis, Microsoft has just increased the threshold for daily interactions with its Bing Chat AI.

Until a few days ago, you could only send up to 15 messages to Bing Chat per chat, and a total of 150 messages per day. However, Microsoft has just announced that it increased the threshold for daily interactions with its AI to 200 messages per day, and up to 20 messages per conversation.

This means that you will be able to send 20 messages to Bing Chat on a particular subject, after which you will have to create a new conversation. With a total of 200 messages, you will therefore be able to engage in 10 long discussions of 20 messages at most, which should even more allow you to explore the possibilities of AI. It’s unclear if Microsoft will decide to keep this change going forward, the VP Michael Schechter hinting it may just be a temporary measure and that Microsoft could revert to the old 150/15 limits.

Bing is more popular than ever thanks to its AI

Since the GPT model that underpins ChatGPT landed on Bing, Microsoft’s search engine has seen its popularity explode, even surpassing 100 million users just days after launch. Bing Chat even has the distinction of being much smarter than its competitorssince it now uses GPT-4, Open AI’s new multimodal AI.

In comparison, the free version of ChatGPT still runs on GPT-3.5, and you have to pay $20 per month to enjoy the latest version on ChatGPT Plus. Microsoft even lets you share the best Bing Chat answers with your friends on social media.

Even better, Bing Chat also has got ahead of the competition by launching an image builder : Bing Image Creator. The latter works like other generators such as DALL-E, Stable Diffusion or MidJourney. Just ask it what type of image you want to create and the AI ​​will only take a few seconds to generate your query. We had the opportunity to try it in the last few days, and the results are quite staggering for a free tool.

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