You Can’t Ignore Them: These Signs Your Brain Is Exhausted and Needs Help

Prolonged “mental fatigue” can affect a person’s ability to think, solve problems, and regulate emotions. The normal functioning of the whole organism depends on the proper functioning of the brain as a whole.

Not only intense intellectual activity, but also other triggers can deplete our brain. experts say. Is it work without rest, financial stress, the loss of a loved one, caring for a small child, or sick elderly relative dissatisfaction with their work, lack of balance between it and personal life.

The fact that your brain is working at its limit and has already begun to “suffer” can be indicated, among other things, by muscle pain, back pain, insomnia, a constant feeling of fatigue, procrastination and postponing things for later, depression.

The FMBA neurologist explained what other signs and symptoms signal that our brain needs help.

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