Young enchanted the web with his parodies of the world of fashion from one of the poorest islands in the world

Social networks never cease to amaze with the creativity that is born from each of their platforms. Tik Tok has become the new craze for young people who want to have fun.

A 24-year-old from one of the most remote and poorest islands in the world managed to become a viral phenomenon with just his creativity and his special humor.

While the world of fashion is a very exclusive and refined place, Shaheel Shermont Flair has made a name for herself with the hilarious fashion shows she creates in her backyard. The young man who lives in the Fiji archipelago dreams of being an actor and comedian.

In your Tik Tok account @shermont22 It already has more than 400 thousand followers and has accumulated more than five million views. Her followers do not stop asking her for more and more reels about her striking parades in which she ironizes with the world of fashion.

And it must be because for the performances the young man uses everything he finds in his path: from utensils such as brooms and hoses, to plastic garbage cans or all kinds of scrap.

To make fun of the sometimes strange world of fashion, the young man also wants to be as extravagant as possible, just as some well-known brands do in their fashion shows every year.

Sometimes he appears wearing a wooden bench, a ladder, a hose hanging from his neck or carrying a woman from his waist – directly reminiscent of luxury designer Rick Owens’ famous catwalk show.

His teasing did not go unnoticed on the platform, where his followers ask him to continue with his series of videos in which he ironizes with fashion shows and also asks to be put in a real fashion show.

By today’s standards of fame and glory, Shermont is already a star. On her Instagram account (with fewer followers at the moment) she joked upon debuting on the social network that she be given “welcome the queen of Instagram”. Later, the young man wrote that “my sexuality is not the problem. your bigotry is.”

Without a doubt, the imagination of the young Hindu continues to give for more and has already attracted the attention of many portals from different parts of the world for his striking videos.

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