Young people looking for a pawn shop to deposit their ‘cell phone’

2023-05-29 16:20:00

It is said that these days, young people are looking for a lot of pawnshops to deposit goods and borrow money.

Reporter Kim Hye-min found out why young people visit pawnshops when they say that there are various items that can be deposited, such as mobile phones and laptops.


I went to a pawnshop in the metropolitan area.

It was not difficult to meet people in their 20s and 30s who came to drop off or pick up things.

[임희주/부장 (A 전당포) : 젊은 세대분들이 많이 맡기는 제품들이고요, (대부분) 소형 IT 제품 종류.]

There were also people in their 20s and 30s who took out a loan of 400,000 won with a tablet PC as collateral and a loan of 800,000 won with a laptop as collateral.

[임희주/부장 (A전당포) : 금요일에 맡겼다가 월요일 오전에 찾아간다던가, 카드 납부할 돈이 없어서 잠깐 이용하는 경우들이 많이 있는 것 같아요.]

A man in his late 20s is on his way back after leaving his golf clubs and bag.

[김태완/20대 전당포 고객 : (얼마를 빌려 쓰셨어요?) 200만 원 정도. (그동안) 겨울이라 어차피 안 쓰니까요. 이제 골프 치러 가야 돼서… 은행은 신용 기록이 남으니까 (전당포가) 기록도 안 남고 깔끔해서 (이용합니다.)]

Another pawn shop.

The signboard is a gold exchange, but it is known as an IT pawnshop on social media.

The most common collateral for young customers is their mobile phones.

Several new mobile phones are also brought in in boxes.

Even if you don’t have a lump sum, you can use it to borrow money by using the fact that you can easily own it if you make a purchase with a contract.

Suffering from the hardships of life, he sometimes visits a pawnshop.

[양 모 씨/B 전당포대부 사장 : 대학생분들이 식비가 없어서 휴대폰을 가져와서 담보로 대출해 가시고 이러는 경우들도 있었어요. 아무리 카드론이 이자가 세다고 한들 저희처럼 법정 최고 이율을 다루는 전당포 이율보다는 당연히 저렴할 텐데도 불구하고 이용해 주신다는 이유는 벼랑 끝에 몰리신 분들이 오시는 건 맞는 것 같아요.]

The financial authorities advised, “When using a pawnshop, you should check if it is officially registered, and you should not use it if it asks for more than 20% of the legal maximum annual interest rate.”

Pawnshops are the last bastion for low-credit and low-income people.

For whatever reason, the increase in the use of pawnshops by people in their 20s and 30s is probably an indicator of their serious economic situation.

(Video coverage: Seo Jin-ho, Video editing: Lee Hong-myeong)

#Young #people #pawn #shop #deposit #cell #phone

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