Your presidential biceps are yours with these 3 little-known but brutal curl exercises!

2024-03-25 15:00:14

You have certainly seen this photo of our president, vein in his bicep bulging, attacking a poor punching bag as he attacks France’s problems…

Do you want to have that much charisma?

To unlock one of life’s most important achievements:get big arms quicklyyou can choose:

  • hire someone proficient in Photoshop in your communications department,
  • go to the gym and work your triceps and biceps.

The triceps represent the majority of the volume of the arms, do not make the mistake of neglecting them and consult the best exercises here: The only 3 exercises you need to forge the “horseshoe” on your triceps.

As for the biceps, you are in the right place, today we are going to see the 4 best exercises which place a lot of stretching tension on your arms!

1/ Inclined dumbbell curl

The idea to have a nice stretch of the biceps is to have your arms behind your body.

Here, it is possible thanks to the bench placed at an angle rather than straight like a post.

Do not let your elbows move forward when performing these curls, keep them still throughout the movement.

To maximize the stretch, try turning your palms outward.

Note: start with light weights.

2/ Bayesian pulley curl

Adjust your favorite pulley to wrist height, grab a handle in one hand, take two large steps forward until your biceps are fully extended behind you.

In other words, in the initial position, you already feel a lot of tension in your biceps.

Do your curls, starting with your weaker arm, then repeat with the other arm.

3/ Priest curl on flat bench

Here, we are going to do desk curls, but on a flat bench with a dumbbell (i.e. unilaterally).

At the bottom, when the biceps is fully stretched, the dumbbell provides maximum tension, so go down as far as possible.

You can use this exercise as a finisher, doing 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Bonus: Bayesian curl seated at the pulley

The Bayesians again, those curls with their arms behind their bodies!

This time set the pulley at the height of the pectorals, place a bench in front, far enough away to have the biceps under tension in the initial position (as before, except that here we work both arms at the same time).

Do your curls, carefully controlling the tempo of execution, without moving your elbows forward and achieving a complete stretch of your biceps with each repetition.

Why so many variations?

Do you really need that many exercises to build your biceps? Of course not, technically any barbell curl exercise will do!

Besides, I invite you to read: Biceps exercise, TOP 3 exercises for big arms!

That being said, adding variety to your training is a good thing to avoid falling into monotony and to ensure you target the muscle from different working angles.

In the end, always choose exercises according to what you enjoy doing.

sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Quentin on:25/03/2024

Our articles to strengthen your arms

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