Yushan Gold/Yushan Gold’s profit doubled in May, hitting a new monthly high this year

Yushan Gold (2884) announced on the afternoon of this (7th) May self-settlement surplus, a monthly after-tax surplus of 1.82 billion yuan, a new monthly high this year, compared with 548 million yuan in the previous month, an increase of 232%, and the accumulated after-tax surplus of 6.69 billion yuan Yuan, an annual decrease of 21%, and earnings per share of 0.5 yuan.

Yushan Financial Holdings pointed out that the after-tax net profits of Yushan Financial Holdings and Yushan Bank in May were the highest in a single month this year, and the benefits of interest rate hikes were gradually reflected in the increase in interest income, while operating expenses were properly controlled. Last year, Yushan Gold earned 1.424 billion yuan in May, with an annual growth of 27.8%.

Yushan Gold’s accumulated after-tax surplus from January to May was 6.69 billion yuan, down 21.2% from the same period last year, and EPS was 0.5 yuan. The accumulated after-tax earnings of major subsidiaries: Yushan Bank 6.04 billion yuan, Yushan Securities 460 million yuan, and Yushan Venture Capital 310 million yuan.

Facing changes in the external environment, Yushan focuses on domestic and overseas layout, technological innovation and risk management, and integrates ESG with the financial industry to promote steady business development. (Review: Lu Junyi)

Further reading

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