Zero Starvation: Public Procurement accepted the digital commonplace bidding specs and circumstances

Asunción, IP Company.- Throughout the scope of utility of Regulation No. 7021/22 “On provide and public procurement”, the Nationwide Directorate of Public Procurement (DNCP) accepted, by way of Decision No. 1319/24, the digital commonplace specs and circumstances for contracting procedures, throughout the framework of the Faculty Feeding Program “Zero Starvation in our colleges”, model 1.

The Authorities plans to start the implementation of this emblematic program after the winter holidays, based on the Ministry of Training and Sciences (MEC).

The usual doc accepted by the DNCP mentions 4 forms of college meals service, that are “breakfast/snack”; “acquisition of provides for the preparation of college lunch/dinner; “lunch/dinner cooking service”; and “lunch/dinner catering service”.

It’s established that bidders should exhibit technical capability, so they need to inevitably have legitimate and legitimate well being data, certifications of fine manufacturing or storage practices, amongst different necessities.

The Bid of Bases and Circumstances contemplates a set of minimal necessities and obligations for public procurement calls and is named commonplace, when it’s a mannequin that every convener will use, adapting the necessities, based on their duly argued wants.

The DNCP, by way of a round issued to the Ministry of Social Improvement and the nation’s governorates, defined that the preparation of the doc was carried out based mostly on the Decision of the Nationwide Faculty Meals Fee (Conae), which approves the rules for the providers of college feeding.

For tenders, Public Procurement established the necessary use of the Public Procurement Info System (SICP).

The convening establishments will put together the specs and circumstances of the contracting procedures, in accordance with the provisions established within the rules and in the usual paperwork ready by the Nationwide Directorate of Public Procurement.

The Ministry of Social Improvement and the governorates should regulate to the brand new guidelines for evaluating provides, facilitating the participation of micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs) and household farming.

The brand new Regulation No. 7021 on Public Provide and Procurement additionally establishes the precept of worth for cash, which implies that it isn’t essentially the most affordable supply that’s prioritized, however reasonably different traits of the services or products to be contracted.

It additionally establishes prohibitions and restrictions on hiring, often called battle of curiosity, amongst which it’s listed that authorities in public positions, spouses and kinfolk, and their corporations, amongst others, can not supply the State authorities in public positions, amongst others, based on article 21 of Regulation N. #7021.

On this context, these chargeable for buying should confirm the listing of ultimate beneficiaries of the businesses registered within the Provider Registry, which is necessary for all bidders.

#Starvation #Public #Procurement #accepted #digital #commonplace #bidding #specs #circumstances
2024-05-26 15:07:59

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