[과학]The offside debate is over?!…FIFA introduces a new system

Among the 17 rules of soccer, there are many misconceptions about ‘offside’
Introduced VAR from 2018… Ambiguous criteria, delayed judgment
International Football Federation develops semi-automatic offside reading technology
Capture action with 12 cameras… Recognizes 29 joint points
Inertial measurement sensor in the official ball, recognizing until the moment the ball is kicked


One of the most controversial rules in soccer is offside.

However, at this year’s World Cup in Qatar, there is no such controversy.

This is thanks to the reading system developed by the International Football Federation (FIFA).

Reporter Yang Hwe-yeong introduces what kind of technology it is.


Everything that happens on the football field is done within 17 rules.

The decisive rule that raised the tactical aesthetics of double soccer is offside.

However, because it is a foul that occurs in a moment, controversy has not ceased.

The video review system was officially introduced from the 2018 World Cup in Russia, but even after its introduction, the problem continued that the standards were ambiguous and it took a long time to judge.

[피에르루이지 콜리나 / FIFA 심판위원장 : (VAR 시스템에서) 우리는 오프사이드에 대한 최종 결정을 내리는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸린다는 것을 알고 있습니다.]

From this World Cup in Qatar, the controversy over offside errors has disappeared.

It is thanks to the ‘semi-automatic offside reading technology’ developed by the International Football Federation (FIFA) with MIT (USA) and the Technical University of Zurich (Switzerland) for nearly three years.

The key to this technology is threefold.

First of all, 12 cameras under the roof of the stadium were applied with tracking technology that grasps the movement of the ball and players in real time.

The captured video goes through a new reading system in real time, which recognizes each athlete’s 29 joint points and analyzes them at a rate of 50 times per second.

This sends a signal to the video inspection room as soon as a player’s body part leaves the offside line.

The secret is hidden even in the official ball.

The inertial measurement sensor installed inside the official ball ‘Al Rilla’ accurately recognizes the moment the player kicks the ball in units of 1/500th of a second.

[피에르루이지 콜리나 / FIFA 심판위원장 : 이 기술 자체가 오프사이드 라인을 그립니다. 이렇게 하면 평가에 필요한 시간이 단축되고 정확도도 향상됩니다.]

In the event of an offside situation during a match, the developed refereeing system transmits a signal directly to the video review room and the result is communicated to the referee.

If the referee decides offside, the data transmitted by the system is converted into 3D animation and transmitted as it is to the stadium electronic board and relay broadcasting.

FIFA explained that the new refereeing system allows offside to be ruled in an average of 25 seconds, much shorter than the average of 70 seconds for a video referee.

This is Hwayoung Yang from YTN Science.

YTN Hwayoung Yang (hwe@ytn.co.kr)

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