what could be the consequences of his stroke?

Pierre Palmade was the victim of a stroke Saturday February 26, 2023 at the Paul-Brousse hospital in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) where he had been under house arrest since his indictment for “homicide and involuntary injuries”, following the road accident he caused while under the influence of cocaine. The accident injured three in serious condition.

The 54-year-old actor is currently in a bedroom in the neurovascular care servicefrom the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital, where he was transferred this weekend.

The electronic bracelet by Pierre Palmade had to be cut by the doctors in order to take care of it correctly, BFMTV also learned from sources familiar with the matter.

What can be the consequences of the stroke on Pierre Palmade’s state of health? Medisite takes stock.

Pierre Palmade: 10 to 15 days of observation recommended for his stroke

Doctors recommend 10 to 15 days of observation for Pierre Palmade. “The occurrence of a stroke justifies the hospital stay with very close monitoring”, indicates to our colleagues from TF1 Doctor Bruno Mégarbane, head of the medical and toxicological resuscitation service at the Lariboisière hospital (10th arrondissement of Paris). Indeed, according to him, there is a “immediate risk”which is nothing but a “recurrence of the accident”.

Stroke is a vital emergency which can cause irreversible damage.

It involves a cerebrovascular disorder affecting the blood vessels responsible for bringing blood to the brain. It can be a blood clot which clogs a vessel or a ruptured vessel. Most often, blood flow encounters an obstacle that will block its passage to different parts of the brain. This phenomenon will deprive the brain of oxygen, which constitutes a vital emergency.

When deprived of oxygen due to vascular obstruction, approximately 2 million neurons die every minute.

Stroke: what can be the sequelae?

Depending on the areas of the brain deprived of oxygen, the consequences will be more or less significant. “The affected area will then no longer be able to function, which may have an impact on the faculties of the patient as his mobility, his vision or his language, explains Professor Sonia Alamowitch, neurologist and head of the neurological department at Saint Antoine Hospital (Paris). Most frequently, the stroke will affect the patient’s mobility and render him paralyzed. And if the stroke is widespread, all of the patient’s functions can be impacted.”

In France, stroke affects 140,000 patients each year. Unfortunately, they are 30,000 to succumb to it. “In addition, it is estimated that one in two patients will keep a handicap, says Professor Alamowitch. The consequences are not minimal and will also have an impact on the patient’s morale. It is relatively common for a stroke to eventually generate a depression“Stroke is the leading cause of physical disability in adults.

Stroke: can this medical condition escape prison?

The stroke suffered by Pierre Palmade can also be a game-changer legally. Indeed, in France, the state of health of a person implicated or indicted (depending on the state of the proceedings) can allow him toescape a hearingor even to be considered criminally irresponsible for his actions.

Following the stroke, justice has for the moment no other choice but to keep Pierre Palmade in the hospital so that he can continue to receive the necessary care.

According to Me Carbon de Seze, criminal lawyer interviewed by BFM TV “the magistrates can very well take the decision to postpone [l’humoriste] in the hands of jailers, but defer the date on which he will be placed in preventive detention”. This option, which prefer medical care of the actor.

As a reminder, Pierre Palmade hit two cars on February 10 in Seine-et-Marne. An accident that resulted in three seriously injured: Mira, a 27-year-old pregnant woman who lost her baby following the collision, Yuksel, a father still in a coma and a 6-year-old boy. The vital prognosis of the child is no longer engaged, yet he is still in an intensive care unit.

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