[국제]Xiaojun Lin, who won the first gold medal after naturalization in China, “We are the Chinese team”

Short track athlete Lin Xiaojun (27, Korean name Lim Hyo-jun), who won the first gold medal in an individual event at an international competition after being naturalized in China, expressed his determination to work harder.

On the 6th, Xiaojun Lin wrote in Chinese on Weibo, a Chinese social media site, announcing the news of winning the men’s 500m final at the 5th round of the International Skating Union (ISU) Short Track World Cup held in Dresden, Germany in the 2022-2023 season. ” he wrote.

“We will try harder in the future,” he added. “Please give more encouragement to our young short track team.”

Xiaojun Lin posted hashtags such as #300 million ice and snow, #dreams come true, #believe in yourself and never doubt that you can win.

China’s Central Television (CCTV) reported that Lin Xiaojun performed excellently by leading the Chinese team to victory in the men’s 5,000m relay final, which was held following the men’s 500m, and winning two gold medals in the event.

In particular, the broadcast said that the day when Lin Xiaojun won two gold medals was the day when Chinese athletes won the 2,000m mixed relay at the Beijing Winter Olympics a year ago, and the skills of domestic athletes were once again proven.

Xiaojun Lin previously represented Korea at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics and won the gold medal in the men’s 1,500m and the bronze medal in the 500m, emerging as a leading short track runner in Korea.

However, in June 2019, during training, he was handed over to trial on charges of indecent assault by lowering his pants and exposing a part of his body.

Due to this incident, Lin Xiaojun was sentenced to a one-year suspension of qualifications as a player, and when he was sentenced to a fine of 3 million won in the first trial, he left Korea and became a naturalized Chinese citizen.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaojun was acquitted at the appeals court in May 2021, saying, “It is difficult to see it as sexual harassment,” but he had already been naturalized in China.

Xiaojun Lin has not been able to stand on the international stage for a long time.

He was unable to participate in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in accordance with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) regulations that “in order for an athlete to change nationality and participate in the Olympics, three years must pass after the international competition in which he participated in the previous nationality.” As a result, I did not have the opportunity to participate in international competitions.

After that, in September of last year, he announced his return to international competitions by being named on the Chinese national team list for the ISU 2022-2023 season World Cup series.

YTN Lim Soo-geun (sglim@ytn.co.kr)

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