[스포츠]Hwang Hee-chan’s first goal of the season…Wolverhampton, Liverpool and FA Cup 3rd round draw

Wolverhampton’s Hwang Hee-chan scored his first goal this season against strong Liverpool.

Hwang Hee-chan was substituted in the 18th minute of the second half in the 3rd round match of the FA Cup against Liverpool and scored an equalizer with a score of 2-2 in 3 minutes.

In the 36th minute of the second half, Hwang Hee-chan’s pass was turned into a goal by Gomes, but unfortunately he could not add any help as it was declared offside.

Wolverhampton couldn’t decide the game with Liverpool 2-2, so it was decided whether or not to participate in the next round with a replay.

YTN Heo Jae-won (hooah@ytn.co.kr)

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