[정치]People’s hearts are cold in the muddy fight… shaman, 30% in 16 months


As the Yoon Seok-yeol administration’s first national audit is in full swing, conflicts between the ruling and opposition parties, including disputes over the current and former governments, are getting fiercer.

As only political issues that are far from the current livelihood issue were highlighted, the results of a poll showed that the shaman, who neither party supported, recorded 30% in 16 months.

This is reporter Hwang Yun-tae.


The last five months after the inauguration of the Yun Seok-Yeol government were a time when state power had to reach its peak, but bad news such as the relocation of the presidential office and the controversy over profanity overlapped.

The ruling party, which must strongly support the government’s policies, is now in the process of reorganizing the party after wasting time with former Chairman Lee Jun-seok and litigation.

The Democratic Party did not miss a hole every time and fiercely penetrated into the situation of the government and the ruling party.

[한병도 / 더불어민주당 대통령실 의혹 진상규명단장(지난달 30일) : 총 1조 794억 8,700만 원이 대통령실 이전과 관련한 최소비용이 될 것으로 파악했습니다. (윤석열 대통령은) 혈세 낭비를 막기 위해 청와대로 돌아가십시오.]

In response, People’s Power highlighted the current situation of the Moon Jae-in government by making security issues targeting conservatives, such as the attack of a public official in the West Sea, an issue.

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the first opposition party, also tried to dilute issues in the passport by using the judicial risk as a major impact point.

[박성민 / 국민의힘 의원(국회 행정안전위원회, 지난 7일) : 명백히 부실수사라고 볼 수 있습니다. 제대로 수사를 하지 않았기 때문에 그런 거 아니겠습니까. 성남FC는 누가 봐도 이재명 대표의 개인 구단이었습니다.]

Like this, even after the shift in airlift following the regime change, the muddy battles continue with each one biting their weaknesses, and the issues of livelihood are being pushed to the edge every day.

[강민정 / 더불어민주당 의원(국회 교육위원회, 지난 7일) : 김건희 박사 논문의 실질적인 표절 피해자로서 이 자리에 와서 참고인으로 진술한 분 속기록 한 번 확인해보십시오. 본인의 논문, 뭐든지 좋다, 다 검증하라고 말씀하셨습니다.]

[장동혁 / 국민의힘 원내대변인 : 김정숙 여사의 해외순방 버킷리스트를 보면, 자신의 생일상을 차리기 위해 나라 예산의 6분의 1을 탕진한 청나라 서태후가 떠오릅니다.]

Since the inauguration of the government in May, public opinion has not unilaterally given power to either party.

In particular, independent voters who said they did not support any party accounted for 30% for the first time in 16 months since June last year.

Analysis shows that the result is a reflection of the extreme confrontation between the opposition and the opposition, which incites political hatred and indifference.

[배종찬 / 인사이트케이 연구소장 : 이 양강 구도가 고착화하는, 그러니까 정쟁의 양강 구도가 고착화하는 것도 무당층이 늘어나는 이유라고 봐야 되겠죠. 그렇다고 해서 제3당에 대한 미래(기대)감은 없거든요.]

The struggle between the ruling and opposition parties for dominance in the country will become more intense, but there are growing calls to look at how much people will be able to capture the public’s heart.

This is YTN Hwang Yun-tae.

YTN Hwang Yun-tae (hwangyt2647@ytn.co.kr)

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