【Cancer Killer】The number of cancer patients aged 20 to 44 is increasing. Dietitians deconstruct 8 cancer-prone foods

Cancer patients are getting younger and younger. Dr. Chiu Sining, the medical director of Bupa Hong Kong, once quoted data from the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Association and pointed out that in recent years, the number of cancer patients in Hong Kong between the ages of 20 and 44 has increased. High work pressure, irregular diet, lack of rest and other lifestyle habits are also more likely to induce cancer. Taiwanese nutritionist Gao Minmin recently shared on social platforms, 8 kinds of foods that are easy to cause cancer and 8 kinds of foods that can prevent cancer. Health-conscious people may wish to take note.

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The Hospital Authority announced the latest cancer data analysis in Hong Kong in 2019, and found that the number of cancer cases in Hong Kong reached a new high in 2019, with more than 35,000 cases, an increase of 3.1% year-on-year. Among them, the most frequently diagnosed number one cancer killer is lung cancer, with the number of diagnoses increasing by 6.2%. The overall cancer incidence in Hong Kong in the past 10 years also shows an upward trend in female incidence.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin recently pointed out on her Facebook page that cancer can actually be prevented and avoided, and the most effective way is to control it through diet. She said that modern people’s diet is accustomed to big fish and meat, coupled with high life pressure and poor work and rest, resulting in an increasing risk of cancer. To have a healthy body, avoid these risk factors. Here are the top 8 cancer-causing foods she shared:

  • Barbecue: When meat is grilled at high temperature, it will produce cancerous substances such as “isocyclic amine”, which increases the risk of cancer;
  • Fried food: easy to have cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, which can cause colorectal cancer;
  • High-fat food: It is easy to nourish cancer cells, and in addition to cancer, it is also easy to cause cardiovascular disease, stroke and other risks;
  • Moldy and contaminated food: Aflatoxin is a strong carcinogen that can easily damage the kidneys and liver;
  • Pickled and smoked food: Salted food is easy to produce “dimethyl nitrite”; smoked food is easy to produce “benzopyrene”, both of which are carcinogens;
  • Processed meat: Processed meat is a first-class carcinogen, and most of them contain “nitrite”, which can lead to the risk of colorectal cancer;
  • Betel nut: Betel nut is the first type of carcinogen, and regular consumption will lead to fibrosis of the oral mucosa and cause oral cancer;
  • Alcohol: The “acetaldehyde” produced by drinking alcohol is a first-class carcinogen, which can easily cause oral cancer, throat cancer, and esophageal cancer.

In addition, Gao Minmin also shared 8 anti-cancer foods:

  • Cruciferous vegetables: rich in “indole”;
  • Apple: quercetin, fiber, etc. help reduce tumor risk;
  • Cherry: anthocyanin, vitamin C to reduce the risk of cancer;
  • Cranberry: Contains antioxidants such as berry polyphenols;
  • Grapes: Resveratrol slows cancer cell growth and inhibits tumors;
  • Carrots: Carotenoids can help fight cancer;
  • Tomato: Lycopene can prevent tumors and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells;
  • Nuts and walnuts: Unsaturated fatty acids that slow the spread of cancer.

High sensitivity supplements, with less oil, less salt, and less refined sugar as cooking methods, can effectively prevent cancer and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. At the same time, she also recommends reducing the intake of sugar and sodium. The daily refined sugar should not exceed 10% of the total calorie intake in a day, preferably to 5%, and the daily intake of sodium should not exceed 2400mg.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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