[국제]Argentine and Peruvian presidents’ wives ‘confused’ over corruption allegations


South America, Argentina and Peru, both of which are suffering from soaring prices and economic contraction, are struggling with corruption allegations by their presidents’ wives.

Both are charged with corruption, but with different political motives and circumstances.

This is reporter Im Soo-geun.


Argentinian workers, plagued by murderous junkyard prices, have taken to the streets.

As of July, prices rose by 71% compared to last year, and the price is expected to soar to 90% by the end of the year, and 40% of the people are in poverty.

[파트리샤 마르케지니 / 노동자 : 임금이 물가를 따라가질 못해요. 돈을 벌어도 쓸 것이 없어요.]

Meanwhile, Argentine prosecutors have demanded 12 years in prison for Vice President Cristina Fernandez, who has been charged with embezzling the national treasury, and demanded an order to remove her from office.

The wife of former President Nestor, she served as president from 2007 to 2015, following her husband, before being re-elected vice president.

Earlier, during his presidency, he was accused of driving public works to a specific contractor and collecting back money, causing a loss of 1 billion dollars and 1.3 trillion won in the national treasury.

[크리스티나 페르난데스 / 부통령 : 혐의 내용이 소설이자 작문이고 이마저도 악질입니다. 그리고 거짓말이에요.]

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, who used to be a rural school teacher, was elected in July last year for reform politics.

His wife was also in trouble as he was attacked by the established media, capital, and right-wing opposition parties.

Peruvian prosecutors have launched an investigation into the president, his wife, and relatives, claiming that he formed a criminal group for money laundering.

The president’s wife, Lilia, was also banned from leaving the country for six months, unprecedented.

[페드로 카스티요 / 페루 대통령 : 내 가족과 내가 페루 정부의 돈을 한 푼도 훔치지 않았다는 점을 밝혀낼 것입니다.]

As Latin America fails to break the chains of corruption, even the wives of powerful people are falling into a turbid state.

This is YTN Im Soo-geun.

YTN Sugeun Lim ([email protected])

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