[국제]Japan, targeting China beyond Russia… “The status quo cannot be changed by force”


At the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting discussing the situation in Ukraine, Japan emphasized that it cannot tolerate attempts to change the situation by force.

It is interpreted to be aimed at China, which frequently moves in and out of the waters around the Senkaku Islands, which Japan claims as sovereignty, to exercise its power.

Correspondent Lee Kyung-ah from Tokyo reports.


Japanese Prime Minister Kishida had a phone conversation with Russian President Putin on the night of the 18th.

It was a currency to seek a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis.

[기시다 후미오 / 일본 총리 : 힘에 의한 현상 변경이 아닌 외교 교섭에 의해 관계국이 받아들일 수 있는 해결 방법을 추구해야 한다는 뜻을 푸틴 대통령에 전했습니다.]

At the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Munich, Germany, Foreign Minister Hayashi said, “The situation in Ukraine is not limited to European security issues.”

At the same time, he emphasized again that any attempt to unilaterally change the status quo with force is against the basic principles of the international community.

These remarks are interpreted as being conscious of China, where disputes over sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands continue.

The Japanese government is also taking seriously the growing Chinese military pressure on Taiwan.

[하야시 요시마사 / 일본 외무성 장관 : 우크라이나 정세에 대해 여러 가지 측면에서 논의하게 될 것으로 봅니다. 총리 역시 이번 사태가 아시아에도 영향을 미치는 것을 생각하지 않을 수 없다고 말씀하셨습니다.]

The Japanese government is pursuing a summit with India, a member of the Quad Council, for the first time since 2017.

This is a calculation to show internal and external cooperation between countries to keep China in check ahead of the quad summit scheduled for May.

On the other hand, they seem to pursue pragmatic diplomacy with Russia, such as holding a ministerial meeting to discuss economic cooperation on the 15th despite the Ukraine crisis.

The Japanese government, which is demanding Russia to return the South Kuril Islands, said in a statement that “the dialogue will continue so that economic cooperation will help the overall development of bilateral relations.”

This is Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

YTN Kyungah Lee ([email protected])

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