[국제]Portugal, monkeypox, BA.5 spread crisis… Awareness ‘loose’

BA.5 ‘Seongjong Dominance’… New confirmed and hospitalized patients ‘surge’
Possibility of simultaneous epidemic of ‘monkey pox and BA.5’ during the holiday season

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Portugal, which is also spreading the omicron sub mutation BA.5 along with monkeypox, has begun preparations for smallpox vaccination.

Although quarantine authorities are preparing for the possibility that both epidemics will occur at the same time, especially during the summer holidays, the tension in society in general is not yet high.

Reporter Nam Tae-ho delivers the local atmosphere.


Earlier this month, Portugal received about 3,000 doses of the third-generation smallpox vaccine ‘Genneos’ through the European Commission.

This is because the number of infected people in Portugal has reached hundreds, and it is also among the top five countries in Europe with monkey pox.

“The smallpox vaccine will be given mainly to people who have come into contact with infected people,” said Portugal’s health director, Grasa Freitas.

In Portugal, since last month, BA.5, a sub-displacement of the micron, has also become the dominant species, accounting for 90% of all confirmed cases.

Immediately after BA.5 became the dominant species, Portugal’s daily new confirmed cases surged, and the number of hospitalized patients exceeded the peak of Omicron.

Although the spread of BA.5 has slowed in this month, experts believe that monkeypox and BA.5 are likely to be prevalent at the same time if the number of overseas tourists increases ahead of the summer vacation season.

However, citizens who are accustomed to the epidemic crisis generally do not seem to care much.

[마리에트 / 리스본 : 많은 사람과의 접촉이나 어느 정도 조심할 부분은 있겠지만, 걱정되는 것은 없습니다.]

[페드로 / 리스본 : 이미 코로나에 감영이 된 적이 있는데, 증상이 그렇게 심하지도 않았기 때문에 (걱정되지 않습니다).]

The Korean community is watching the government’s quarantine measures first.

[신광백 / 리스본 : 앞으로 포르투갈 정부에서 효과적으로 코로나19와 원숭이두창 (확산) 방지에 힘쓴다면 한인 사회도 크게 영향을 받진 않을 것으로 보입니다.]

From this month, Portugal has lifted all restrictions on entry for foreigners, including the lifting of the requirement to submit a negative confirmation letter.

While restoring the tourism industry to the pre-COVID level, we are faced with the task of blocking the two infectious diseases at the same time.

YTN World South Tai Lake in Lisbon, Portugal.

YTN Taeho Nam ([email protected])

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