[뇌치유상담] Midlife is a pivotal period for brain, hippocampus and blood vessel health : Opinion Column : The Christian Daily

“My God, do not take me with me in my middle age. Your years are from generation to generation without end.” -Psalm 102:24

In middle age, problems with the memory system occur, and learning memory decreases. The reason why studying doesn’t work well in middle age is because there is a change in the hippocampus, which is in charge of learning memory. The hippocampus is in the limbic system. The loss of memory or the inability to smell after contracting the COVID-19 omicron mutation is also due to reduced gray matter in the cerebral limbic system.

There are three types of cerebral limbic system. The hippocampus is responsible for memory, the amygdala is responsible for emotions, and the olfactory system. A decrease in learning memory is a phenomenon caused by a decrease in gray matter of neurons in the limbic system. The way to recover this is simple. Exercise revitalizes the hippocampus. The hippocampus starts to shrink gradually from the age of 30. And in old age, the hippocampus atrophies, resulting in Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown that the hippocampus of people with Alzheimer’s disease usually shrinks by 15% to 60%. Therefore, it is necessary to promote neurogenesis by exercising in middle age. When you work or exercise, neurons in the hippocampus, frontal lobe, and temporal lobe are newly generated and greatly enlarged. Also, the more new things you learn, the more synapses are formed in the hippocampus.

Some scholars say that when you stop learning, your brain starts dying. ©Depositphotos

There are two ways to talk about the formation of nerve cells. One is exercise, and the other is learning new things. Brain health is nothing more than strengthening the formation of synapses in the hippocampus by continuing to learn new things. Brain health also improves learning memory when learning new things. As we get older, many of our learning memories fade. From the age of 10 to the age of 25, which is the adult stage, the learning memory rises rapidly, but at the age of 65, the learning memory drops sharply and lives as a belief memory. There is a memory of beliefs held in the past, i.e., things learned, fixed beliefs. That’s why when you get older, you become stubborn and don’t change well. This is because the expression ‘older people are conservative’ doesn’t change the beliefs they once had. People who are always learning are very flexible. Thinking is already different. The belief memory disappears and the self is newly remodeled with the learning memory. So if you always learn something new, you can live a healthy life.

People who are sick and mentally troubled have problems with their thinking. So I do cognitive therapy. Instead of negative thoughts, replace them with flexible thoughts, and always live with flexible thoughts. So some scholars express ‘If you stop learning, your brain starts dying now’. I, too, always emphasize this. When we stop learning, our brains start dying. So you always have to learn something new. When you learn, there are many synapses in the brain, and there is no problem with cognitive function. Learning creates or develops a cognitive store, and through the process of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, a very strong cognitive store is created so that we can live a healthy life.

However, sitting at home with nothing to do, turning on the TV, watching YouTube, and watching your cell phone all night should be avoided. Of course, you can’t stop watching the media at all, but doing the above is very bad for your brain health. In this case, it is good to exercise or read a book. Reading a book at night helps me fall asleep. In addition, it trains the brain through steady learning and strengthens cognitive ability, so stroke or dementia can be prevented. It is not possible to restore damaged brain cells to health, but keep in mind that neuroplasticity can compensate by building new synaptic connection circuits.

Once the cognitive storage is established in the brain, the lifespan of the brain increases, and it can safely protect us from brain damage and disease. So, among other things, lifelong learning fosters neuroplasticity, builds cognitive stores, and protects a strong and positive nervous system. Learning makes the growth, neurogenesis, and synapse formation of our brain cells exponentially, so we can extend our lifespan in a healthy way. In an environment that stimulates curiosity, new brain cells are created, especially in the hippocampus and temporal lobe, which are responsible for learning memory. In addition, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, serotonin, and acetylcholine are also produced, which improves memory. We renew our memories in the hippocampus, and even at the age of 70, neurons in the hippocampus are still being created.

Middle age is a pivotal period for vascular health. Middle age is an important time to prepare for geriatric diseases, especially degenerative brain diseases. A typical degenerative brain disease is Alzheimer’s disease. At the age of 65, one in 10 people in Korea is said to have Alzheimer’s disease. And by the age of 85, one in three people are said to have Alzheimer’s disease. In the United States, it is said that by the age of 85, 50%, or one in two people, will develop this disease. Talking about a 100-year-old life, it is important not to get Alzheimer’s disease, or memory disorder. Also, you shouldn’t have a stroke or Parkinson’s disease. They say there are 600,000 people with stroke, 800,000 with dementia, and 100,000 to 150,000 with Parkinson’s disease. In old age, these degenerative diseases await, so management is desperately needed.

Aerobic exercise is an important way to prevent brain diseases in middle age. ©pexels

Neglecting brain health in middle age can lead to big problems. As we age, the function of the corpus callosum generally declines. The corpus callosum is the bridge that connects the left and right hemispheres. The function of the corpus callosum is also weakened, so information transmission is difficult. When I talk, I don’t understand well. Thinking ability also begins to decline. Meanwhile, middle age becomes the peak of adult diseases. There are 4.3 million people with diabetes, and 20% of them go to stroke. Having diabetes greatly increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and vascular dementia. And there are 12 million people with hypertension, 80% of whom go to stroke. In addition, one in two patients with hyperlipidemia. As such, vascular disorders may frequently occur in middle age. 34.7% of hypertensive patients, 14.6% of diabetic patients, 26.3% of hyperlipidemia patients, and 27.6% of obese patients may have vascular disorders, so a lot of effort is needed for vascular health.

Also, in middle age, the membrane surrounding the axon that connects nerve cells to nerve cells, soon myelin (myelin), can be damaged. In particular, it is said that if you get diabetes, the axon’s coating is peeled off. So a thing called multiple sclerosis happens. When multiple sclerosis occurs, symptoms such as memory problems, inability to walk, and depression appear. That is why, in middle age, it is recommended to eat omega-3 fatty acids to form the myelin sheath of glial cells. In addition, myelination in middle age is closely related to Alzheimer’s disease in old age. When the concentration of low-density low-protein (LDL) in the brain increases, it is said that myelin is broken down. So don’t let your bad cholesterol levels rise. This is because harmful proteins are produced in the brain and blood flow to the brain is not properly supplied, which can lead to cognitive decline. So, in middle age, it is said to consume this omega-3 fatty acid as essential.

To recap, aging begins as amygdala atrophy progresses in middle age. The size of the amygdala decreases by 7% in adulthood and peaks after age 60. This can weaken your ability to deal with dangerous situations and lead to accidents. In other words, the flight-fight reaction rate is slowed down. In addition, most growth hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland ceases to be produced at the age of 50. T cells, the commander-in-chief of immune cells, decrease to 50% at the age of 20, but at the age of 60, most of them turn into fat, causing problems with immunity. So, autoimmune disorders occur first, and various diseases, hypoimmune disorders (cancer), and many other diseases can occur.

The most necessary for brain growth is BDNF, a brain-derived neurotrophic factor. The hippocampus or cerebral cortex is the place where brain-derived neurotrophic factors are secreted the most, and as we age, the hippocampus begins to atrophy. So there is also a problem with memory. Insulin growth factor is secreted by the liver and pituitary gland, and as we age, both of these levels decrease. Vascular endothelial growth factor and fibroblast growth factor are also reduced, and astrocytes are also reduced.

In middle age, the memory system weakens. The dorsal prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for working memory, atrophy. The dorsal prefrontal cortex, which developed last, is the first to atrophy at age 60. In addition, the hippocampus atrophies, causing problems with learning memory and living with belief memory. And middle age is a pivotal period for vascular health. It is a very important time to prevent geriatric and degenerative diseases well, and to pay attention to the health of blood vessels as it is the peak of adult diseases.

There is one way to turn brain problems back into place in middle age. In addition, there is a way to prevent shortening of telomeres by accelerating aging. It is an aerobic exercise. If you do brisk walking, swimming, or cycling for 30 minutes a day, you can be relieved of your middle-aged brain health and prevent brain diseases. Another is new learning. New learning acts as the most important factor for brain health because it plays a valuable role in creating neurons and extending synapses of neurons. There are brain function supplements that are good for brain health, such as immunity, memory, and blood vessels. They are omega-3 fatty acids and PS (Phosphatidyl Serin), which are all recognized in Europe. And there are L-arginine and glyconutrients.

Brain health in middle age is the best preventive time for brain health in later life. Midlife brain health is life health. The bible says this.

“May your spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless until the Lord returns.” -1 Thessalonians 5:23 <끝>

Dr. Son Mae Nam
Korea Counseling Development Institute Director
Director of Brain and Psychological Counseling Research Institute at Kyonggi University
Cohen University International President
President of the International Brain Healing Counseling Association

#Brain Healing Counseling #middle age #Dr. Sonmaenam

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