[사회]Police secure ‘Osstem implant embezzlement funds’ 50 billion won… Investigation of accomplices


The police investigating the 80 billion won Osstem implant embezzlement case secured some 50 billion won in funds, including some gold bars from the home of an employee, Mo, and freezing his account.

The police are also investigating whether there were accomplices in Lee’s crime, such as orders from superiors.

Reporter Park Ki-wan reports.


Osstem Implant employee Mo Lee, who was arrested after embezzling 188 billion won and running away.

A gold bar was found on the lower floor of the house where Mr. Lee was hiding.

These are some of the gold bars that Mr. Lee bought last month using embezzlement funds.

[최재승 / 한국금거래소 원자재영업팀 과장 : (이렇게 대량은) 흔한 배송이 아니다 보니까 여섯 번 (배송한 게) 다 기억에 남았습니다. (이 씨가 당시) 불안해 보이는 그런 느낌도 약간 있었고요, 좀 떨고 계신….]

Mr. Lee purchased about 850 1kg gold bars, worth 68 billion won in total, but only about 430, or 30 billion won, were left at the site.

Police are investigating the whereabouts of the remaining gold bars against Mr. Lee.

In the process of tracing Mr. Lee’s account, we checked and frozen the stock account with about 20 billion won left.

Putting them all together, we have secured about KRW 50 billion out of KRW 188 billion in damage.

Separately, Lee is also suspected of donating three buildings last month in the name of his wife, younger sister, and sister-in-law, and repaying all secured loans with embezzlement funds.

[‘횡령’ 이 모 씨 처제 건물 세입자 : (이 모 씨가) 여기 살지 않고 한 달에 한두 번 정도 오시는데…. (바뀐 소유주가) 여기 사시면 모를까 이쪽에 안 사시니까 (본 적은 없어요.)]

If it is determined that the funds for the crime have been used, the police will also pursue confiscation and preservation measures against the building before prosecution.

The police are also investigating whether Lee himself embezzled a large sum of more than 180 billion won.

Earlier, Lee’s family was known to have claimed that it was not an independent crime, but Lee’s lawyer drew a line saying “nothing has been confirmed”.

The police said they are looking into the possibility of an accomplice or an order from a superior.

In the process of tracing the whereabouts of gold bars or money that the police have not yet found, if circumstances of accomplices are revealed, there is a possibility that the investigation will spread in all directions.

This is YTN Park Ki-wan.

YTN Park Ki-wan ([email protected])

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