[오늘의 MBN] Proper walking posture to prevent disease

■ The King of Thumbs (12th at 8:10 pm)

Proper walking makes our body healthy. This is because it is a systemic activity closely connected to the heart and lungs, blood flow, nerves, and muscles. Therefore, Ahn Kwang-wook, a walking expert, will conduct a customized walking posture improvement project for three participants with diabetes. As a result of running the eye expert’s solution on participants who had bad walking habits for 5 days, a surprising change was observed in body fat, triglyceride, and blood sugar levels.

We also introduce ‘BNR17’, a lactic acid bacterium that helps you lose weight. BNR17, a lactobacillus derived from breast milk, suppresses intestinal bacteria that promote obesity and prevents carbohydrates from accumulating in the body.

It also lowers the blood sugar level, which rises sharply after a meal, and reduces the insulin level in the blood.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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