[전국]Andong Yasan Seo, a unique ceremony, why?…”Three major forest disaster responses”


The Korea Forest Service held a unique kick-off ceremony at a hill in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

It is a place where pine wilt disease control is carried out, and it was a place to declare an active response to forest disasters.

Reporter Kim Jin-doo reports.


Splitting a piece of wood reveals a sawn larva hiding within.

It is a vector that transmits the wilt disease called pine AIDS.

Pine trees infected with the wilt disease turn yellow and die.

To prevent the spread of the wilt disease, these trees must be cut down, moved down the mountain, put in a shredder, crushed into small pieces, and incinerated.

It is feared that this year’s pine wilt disease will surpass 2014, which was the worst ever.

[김명관 / 산림청 산림 병해충 방재과장 : 지난 2014년에 218만 그루로 가장 큰 피해를 입었는데, 그 추세를 감안한다면 현시점에서 방제를 제대로 하지 않았을 경우 240만 그루까지 갈 수 있다고 볼 수 있습니다.]

This is the reason why the Korea Forest Service held a kick-off ceremony at the special control site for wilt disease in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

In addition to wilt disease, response to forest disasters such as forest fires and landslides will be strengthened.

We created a new organization and secured a budget of 650 billion won.

We plan to promote the enactment of the Forest Disaster Prevention Act and legislate a resident evacuation order system that can force residents to evacuate in a disaster situation.

[남성현 / 산림청장 : 기후 변화로 산불 등 산림 재난이 연중 발생하고 대형화하고 있습니다. 올 한 해 동안 산림청과 유관 기관이 산림 재난 방제에 총력을 기울이겠습니다.]

Along with taking care of trees, the Korea Forest Service plans to concentrate its capabilities on minimizing forest disasters in which forests are destroyed and people suffer secondary damage.

This is YTN Kim Jin-doo.

YTN Kim Jin-doo ([email protected])

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