[전국]Severely disabled people just pass through…’High Pass Gate’ in Daejeon Subway


A system that allows you to pass through the subway ticket gate without stamping a ticket, just like the highway high pass, was introduced in Daejeon.

It is for severely handicapped people.

I hope that such a good system will quickly spread across the country.

This is reporter Lee Sang-gon.


A severely disabled person in an electric wheelchair heads to the subway boarding area.

I did not touch the ticket to the ticket gate, but the door does not close and I pass through without any problems.

It was because I was carrying a pre-issued wireless recognition ticket on my body.

This is the ‘high-pass type free pass system’ introduced by Daejeon Transportation Corporation for the first time in the country.

Disabled people have been issued with an ID card and a free ticket when using the urban railway.

At this time, severely handicapped people who had difficulty moving their body were often inconvenient, such as dropping tickets, so they had to spend much more time than non-disabled people to use the subway.

[유청규 / 지체장애 3급 : (기존에는) 굉장히 불편해서 많은 시간이 소요되고 실수도 많이 하고…. 이게 나옴으로써 굉장히 편해질 것 같습니다.]

In order to use the ‘Hi-Pass’ system, a wireless recognition ticket must be issued in advance.

Tickets with personal information can only be issued by applying at each station office.

The target is severely disabled people who live in Daejeon and have difficulty using their hands.

People with disabilities who participated in the experience event welcomed the improved mobility and hoped that these ‘high-pass ticket gates’ would spread.

[권준석 / 대전지체장애인협회 서구지회장 : 프리패스라는 게 좀 더 빨리 도입이 됐더라면 장애인들의 일상생활이나 사회활동에 큰 도움이 됐을 거라고 생각이 됩니다. 앞으로 빨리 전국으로 확산했으면 좋겠습니다.]

Daejeon Transportation Corporation has secured a budget for 3,000 people, but promised to continue improving the environment for the transportation vulnerable.

[최병범 / 대전교통공사 영업처장 : 전국 도시철도 중에 처음으로 저희가 설치를 했고, 앞으로 지체장애인뿐만 아니라 시각장애인들까지도 이용할 수 있도록 (불편사항을) 발굴하고 개발하도록 하겠습니다.]

The high-pass ticket gates installed at all subway stations in Daejeon will go into full-scale operation from the 27th after a pilot period.

This is YTN Lee Sang-gon.

YTN Lee Sang-gon ([email protected])

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