[정치]尹 “Strengthening security cooperation between the U.S. and Japan”…


In response to North Korea’s successive provocations, President Yun Seok-yeol said he would strengthen the South Korea-US alliance and trilateral security cooperation between the US and Japan.

Despite criticism from the opposition over concerns about military cooperation with Japan, the three sides have made clear their will for security cooperation.

Reporter Park Seo-kyung reports.


In response to North Korea’s 11 provocations under the current administration, President Yun Seok-yeol’s answer is the ROK-U.S. alliance and the Korea-US-Japan trilateral security cooperation card.

The presidential office evaluated that the ROK-U.S. alliance is getting stronger due to the consolidation of security cooperation between South Korea, the US and Japan, including anti-submarine training and missile defense training.

[김은혜 / 대통령실 홍보수석 : 자유와 연대라는 국정 기조와 외교 노선 아래 우리가 책임감을 갖고 북한 문제를 선도해야 한다는 입장입니다. 한미일 3자 안보 협력으로 우리 국민을 지켜내는 동시에….]

With the ever-increasing level of North Korea’s armed protests as an opportunity, they made clear their intention to strengthen the security coordination system with Japan, as well as the United States, a key ally of extended deterrence.

Earlier last month, President Yoon met with US Vice President Kamala Harris to reaffirm the strong US-ROK alliance.

[카멀라 해리스 / 미국 부통령 (지난달 29일) : 근 70년 동안 한미동맹은 한반도와 인태지역 그리고 전 세계적으로 안보와 번영의 핵심축이 되어 왔습니다.]

Even with Japan, which has been criticized for a brief meeting during a tour of New York, the distance has been narrowing considerably under the pretext of North Korean provocations.

In a phone conversation with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the request of Japan on the 6th, right after North Korea’s ballistic missile launch,

Along with the security issue, the possibility of improving relations was discussed in principle.

[윤석열 / 대통령 (지난 7일) : 좋았던 시절로 되돌아가서 기업과 국민의 교류가 원활해지면 양국의 경제에도 큰 도움이 될 거란 것에 대해서도 생각을 같이했습니다.]

Even with the opposition offensive that compares the joint exercise with Japan to pro-Japanese, the trilateral cooperation between South Korea, the US and Japan to strengthen the security response posture is expected to accelerate even more.

It is noteworthy that the repeated North Korean provocations will be an escape from the controversy over President Yoon’s travel diplomacy and will become a paradoxical catalyst that promotes military cooperation between South Korea, the US, and Japan.

This is YTN Park Seo-kyung.

YTN Park Seo-kyung ([email protected])

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