[정치]Jungkook’s black hole ‘office relocation’… Disappearance of discussion of people’s livelihood amid North Korean provocations


The clash of powers between the old and the new over the policy of relocating the office of President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol to the Blue House has paralyzed the political situation after the election.

Even in a situation where even the situation on the Korean Peninsula is unstable due to North Korea’s ICBM provocation, the government’s cooperation with the people of Yang-gi Lee is missing.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


[윤석열 / 대통령 당선인(지난 20일) : 용산 국방부 청사 이전 결정을 신속히 내리고 추진하는 것이 옳다고 판단합니다.]

President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol’s policy to relocate the Blue House office to Yongsan has swallowed up the post-election politics.

President Moon Jae-in personally presided over the National Security Council the next day and made it clear that it would be unreasonable to move the Oval Office until the inauguration of President-elect Yoon.

Above all, he emphasized that it is a time when the crisis on the Korean Peninsula is escalating.

[문재인 / 대통령 (지난 22일) : 안보에 조그마한 불안 요인도 있어서는 안 됩니다. 정부 교체기에 더욱 경계심을 갖고 한반도 상황을 안정적으로 관리할 수 있도록 매진해야 할 것입니다.]

President-elect Yoon’s side argued that if the Blue House did not object, he would work in Tongui-dong for a while after taking office and prepare for the relocation.

The sparks ignited by the clash of new and old powers are moving into conflicts over personnel rights and the suspension of work reports by the Ministry of Justice, leading to a political battleground.

North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile provocation took place in the midst of it.

Even in a situation where security cooperation is urgently needed, the message from the political circles still does not seem to go beyond the ‘movement of the office’.

[윤호중 / 더불어민주당 공동비상대책위원장(지난 25일) : 북한이 ICBM 도발까지 하고 나선 상황인데, 국가 방위에 바늘만 한 빈틈도 있어서는 안 된다는 점을 당선인은 명심해야 할 것입니다.]

[김은혜 / 대통령 당선인 대변인(지난 25일) : 오히려 더 국방부 청사로 저희가 들어가는 것을… 안보에 있어서도 더 확실하고 안보 강국으로 든든한 외교 안보 펼칠 것을 국민이 믿고 선택해주셨다고 생각합니다.]

Jungkook trapped in a black hole ‘before the office’.

Discussions on the formation of a second supplementary budget to support the damage of small business owners and the self-employed are sluggish, and the revision of the Election Act, which sets the ‘rules’ for local elections in June, is revolving around a major constituency system for the Basic Assembly.

As the discussion on people’s livelihood has been postponed, there are concerns about the last-minute nerve war and hasty handling of the government’s supplementary budget Lee Yang-gi and the people’s livelihood bill processing process.

This is YTN Na Yeon-soo.

YTN Na Yeon-soo ([email protected])

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