???? Doing this for just a few minutes a day drastically reduces the risk of cancer

2023-09-14 06:00:03

Three minutes of intense physical activity per day is enough to significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

According to a recent study, practicing physical activity, even for very short periods, can significantly improve our health and even reduce the risk of cancer as long as this activity (The term activity can designate a profession.) is daily and intense. Less than 5 minutes (Primary form of a document: Right: a minute is the original of an act. …) per day (The day or the day is the interval which separates sunrise from sunset; it’s the…) would be enough to reduce the risk of developing cancer by a third!

Image d’illustration Pixabay

If you are discouraged by the idea of ​​having to devote several hours a day to exercise for this activity to have a beneficial effect on your health (Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist …), the result of this study should please you! We already announced to you some time ago (Time is a concept developed by human beings to understand…) in this article, that the number (The notion of number in linguistics is treated in the article “Number …) of steps to take each day is ultimately well below what we thought until now, for this activity to have an effect on our lifespan (Life is the name given :). Today it is the result of a completely different study that we are sharing with you.

The study in question was carried out by researchers at the University of Sydney, on 22,398 adults who did not exercise regularly. These participants committed to adding intense activity to their daily lives, for periods of just one to two minutes. In order not to bias the study results, the participants did not change their eating habits during this period.

The results are surprising: it would take just 3.4 minutes of intense exercise per day to see the risk of cancer reduced by 18%! When exercise duration is increased to 4.5 minutes per day, the reduction in cancer risk increases to 32%.

For these few minutes to be truly beneficial, there is no need to take out a gym membership, it is actually enough to practice our daily activities, but to associate them with a higher intensity than usual. This could absolutely be climbing stairs for example, or carrying shopping bags or playing ball with our children. To ensure that the activity is intense enough, you just need to notice shortness of breath.

However, the beneficial effects of this intermittent physical activity will not be immediate. The study participants were followed for almost 7 years to observe these effects, and they were progressive. Furthermore, it is important to specify that if the participants did not maintain this physical activity, they would lose the benefits acquired.

Additional studies will be necessary to better understand the results of this research, but doctors therefore confirm through these first figures the importance of intermittent sporting activity, a solution which does not present any cost and which nevertheless proves promising. .

#minutes #day #drastically #reduces #risk #cancer

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