???? This molecule present in licorice would be effective against pancreatic cancer

2023-08-23 04:00:03

Researchers have discovered that isoliquiritigenin (ISL), a flavonoid from licorice, can effectively fight against pancreatic cancer. This molecule indeed seems to inhibit the progression of cancer and improves the effects of chemotherapy (Chemotherapy is the use of certain chemical substances to treat a disease….).
Image d’illustration Pixabay

Pancreatic cancer (The pancreas is an abdominal organ, a gland attached to the digestive tract. It is…) has the particularity of being often supported (The payload represents this which is actually…) late because of the absence of symptoms at its beginnings, having a direct impact on the survival rate. Scientists from the Hong Kong Baptist University (A university is an institution of higher learning whose aim is…) (National motto: Sapientia and Virtus) say they have found a solution to slow the progress of this cancer. The solution would be found in a compound extracted from licorice (Licorice (from the Greek γλυκύρριζα…), called isoliquiritigenin. The results of this research were recently presented at the annual congress of the European Research Association (Scientific Research Designates in the first place all the actions undertaken in view…) on cancer 2023, and are published in the journal Phytomedicine. Liquorice is already widely used in traditional Chinese medicine because of its many virtues for health (La santé is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and does not consist of…) As part of their research, scientists have studied the set (In set theory, a set intuitively refers to a collection.. .) chemical compounds of licorice as well as the markers specific to this type of cancer After many experiments, they succeeded in isolating ISL and demonstrating that this flavonoid was able to inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer cells and to induce their death.

The tests carried out on mice are conclusive: the survival rate of cancer cells was very low compared to cells not having been treated with ISL. In addition, the mice given the licorice compound showed significantly fewer side effects than the others. Combined with chemotherapy, this process is promising and gives hope to the many patients with this devastating cancer.

This article completes the recent news that we have already shared with you on pancreatic cancer, on a messenger RNA vaccine against this cancer (link), or on artificial intelligence (Artificial intelligence or cognitive computing is the ” search for means…) capable of predicting the appearance of the latter (link), but also on a drug (A drug is a substance or a composition presented as possessing…) used in cardiology (Cardiology is the specialty medicine that studies the heart and its…) that would be able to treat it (link).

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