???? This powerful radio burst could reveal the nature of dark matter

2023-10-23 04:00:04

An ancient radio signal from space gives new hope for understanding the Universe’s missing matter. Detected in the distant past of the Universe, this phenomenon could revolutionize our cosmological understanding.

The signal, named FRB 20220610A, was discovered 8 billion years in the Universe’s past. It emanates from the heart of three galaxies in fusion. This rapid radio burst is 1.5 times older and more distant than its predecessor, opening new perspectives for weighing the Universe and locating its matter (Matter is the substance which makes up any body having a tangible reality. Its… ) missing. For Ryan Shannon, professor of astrophysics at Swinburne University in Australia (officially the Commonwealth of Australia) is a country of …), more than half of the normal matter which should constitute the Universe is missing. Scientists assume that this material is hidden in intergalactic space, perhaps in a form too diffuse and hot to be detected with conventional methods.

Two main methods are used to estimate the quantity of matter in the Universe. The first uses gravitational lenses to observe how matter distorts the path of light through space. The second (Second is the feminine of the adjective second, which comes immediately after the first or which…) is interested in radiation (Radiation, synonymous with radiation in physics, designates the process of emission or… .) fossil of the Big Bang (The Big Bang is the dense and hot era that the universe experienced…) to understand the distribution of matter at the dawn of the Universe. However, these two approaches conflict, creating a tension called Sigma-8 that weighs on standard cosmological theories.

The discovered fast radio burst may be the key to solving this problem. This phenomenon emits more energy in a few milliseconds than the Sun does in a year. A type of known object that can generate these bursts is a radio pulsar or a magnetar, a star, a star celestial emitting light autonomously, similar to a…) dead with an extremely powerful magnetic field.

These bursts, while crossing space, allow astronomers to measure the matter encountered along the way. The discovery of FRB 20220610A, dating back 8 billion years, renews hopes of solving the enigma of missing matter in the Universe.

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