1 glass of this juice in the morning to unclog the arteries and reduce high blood pressure

2023-12-16 14:33:39

Welcome everyone, I’m Dr. Mandell. Millions of people around the world suffer from cardiovascular problems, affecting not only the heart but also blood vessels throughout the body. I want to share with you a very simple recipe that can do wonders to help unclog your arteries.

Blocked arteries present risk factors, but you can take action on these factors. Whether it is stress, high blood pressure, smoking, unhealthy cholesterol levels, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, lack of physical activity or an unbalanced diet, it is essential to change these habits today.

It is crucial to engage in regular cardiovascular activities, such as jogging, cycling, running, brisk walking, swimming, tennis or aerobics. Increasing your heart rate can have significant health benefits.

Foods high in trans fats increase bad cholesterol (LDL), which causes plaque to form in your arteries. It is important to limit or eliminate fried foods, processed products, cakes, pies, pastries, cookies, margarine or butter substitutes, and products containing partially hydrogenated oils.

Lemon is extremely beneficial for artery health. In addition to promoting digestion, skin and liver health, lemon has a positive impact on cholesterol. The vitamin C found in lemons has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. Its natural citric acid helps reduce plaque deposits in blocked arteries.

Garlic is a key food. It lowers LDL cholesterol, contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage, dilates blood vessels to improve blood circulation, reduces blood pressure and has important anti-inflammatory properties. It is one of the best medicinal foods for clearing clogged arteries.

This recipe should never replace the advice of your doctor. In case of chest pain, dizziness or other heart problems, it is always recommended to consult a doctor.

Let’s move on to the preparation of this healing recipe. You will need 6 lemons, from which you will remove the skin. You will also need 30 cloves of garlic, or about 3 heads of garlic. Separate the pods and chop them lightly, without worrying about the small pieces of skin.

Place the lemons and garlic in a blender or food processor. Add a little water and, if desired, a sweetener like honey or stevia for flavor.

After mixing everything, pour the mixture into a large saucepan. Add about 3.8 liters (1 gallon) of water and simmer for about 7 minutes. Be careful not to boil, simmering should be just below boiling point.

After simmering for seven minutes, strain the mixture into another saucepan and let cool for about an hour.

Once cooled, you can store the preparation in the refrigerator. You can also pour it into several glass bottles for better conservation, avoid plastic.

Every morning, on an empty stomach, for three weeks, drink between 240 and 360 milliliters (8 to 12 ounces) of this juice. You can eat it cold or hot. After a one-week break, you can repeat the process for three more weeks.

This formula is healthy, safe and very effective. It has helped many people and can be used as often as needed.

I can’t wait for you to discover the miracles of this natural healing. Share this recipe with your friends and family and above all, have a great day.

Dr. Alan Mandell

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