1. Help package for Kapha disorders – important tips

Kapha consists of the elements earth and water. Kapha also stands for structure, the heavy, the solid. When kapha is elevated, it is called kapha disorder. That means you feel tired and listless. You feel like you’re just made of earth and water. The elements air, ether and fire are missing. Kapha time runs from March to June, when many people feel heavy and weak. Here you will find really good tips to reduce Kapha – and also to lose weight.

Kapha people are very lovable people. They are mostly calm, they radiate reliability and serenity. When things get hectic, they are the rock in the surf. Who doesn’t like having someone like that around? My old buddy from the motorcycle days, Hubsie, is such a kapha person. When I messed up the screws while repairing my motorcycle back then and I panicked, he was calm personified and in the end everything worked out again. It is easy for Kapha types to have higher and higher levels of Kapha, becoming more and more sluggish and gaining weight easily.

Jogging is ideal for Kapha types

“Come on, Hubsi, let’s go jogging around the Alster!”
“Nah, that’s nothing for me” he said and pulled me to his favorite tea shop. Better to sit comfortably than sweat and pant. This is the case for many people with a strong Kapha dosha. Comfort always triumphs over the need to move and challenge your body. That’s where it helps them the most. She is also the best of all three dosha types. People with a strong Kapha dosha are born long-distance runners. They usually have a strong physique and are resilient. Balanced Kapha natures who do a lot of sport are often very slim, but not as bony as Vata natures. It is only when kapha gets out of control that too much weight accumulates.

How do you recognize Kapha disorders?

What are Kapha disorders anyway? When your kapha level, which you naturally have, has increased. In the big Dosha test you can see how high your Kapha percentage is. Everyone has a kapha level and each person is different from birth. This is important to note. However, it usually happens to each of us that our natural dosha distribution changes over the course of life. But this change is not good for us. Ideally, we maintain our dosha distribution as it was at birth for life. You can read more about it here. But now: how do you know if you have a kapha disorder?

Symptoms of Kapha Disorders

  • mental inertia
  • Excessive mucus build-up
  • slowness
  • Susceptibility to the common cold
  • melancholy
  • allergies
  • feeling of heaviness
  • Diabetes
  • overweight
  • High blood lipid levels
  • water retention
  • lack of drive

Tips from the 1st help box for Kapha disorders

Nothing beats cosiness! Kapha-dominant people are wonderful hosts, they keep families together, they are gentle and patient. They have strong immune systems and rarely get sick. The only thing they usually don’t have a good relationship with is the scales, because they constantly play tricks on them and show too much. If the kapha dosha is out of balance and sluggishness, dullness and listlessness prevail, then in Ayurveda one speaks of kapha disorders. Attention morning grumps! Here you can read the ultimate Ayurveda tips on how to get back to joie de vivre and agility.
Not every person with a pronounced Kapha dosha has to have weight problems, this only happens when there is an imbalance in the body.

kapha dosha figure

From the box of tricks for Kapha disorders

Ayurveda is just great! There are tons of tips you can try in turn. Never do everything at once, but try out what is easiest for you and what you can easily integrate into your everyday life. If you completely change your life from now on, you will be completely annoyed by it tomorrow. That’s why Ayurveda advises: take small steps. Here are the tips you can try if you suffer from kapha disorders.

10 brilliant tips from Ayurveda if you suffer from Kapha disorders

  1. get up early Before 6 a.m. is ideal for the Kapha type. And don’t sleep for more than 8 hours, that boosts life energy.
  2. Goodbye to naps! You should stay seated for 10 minutes after eating, but then it starts again!
  3. Speaking of food: Eat only light and wholesome foods and only to below the saturation point.
  4. Your dishes can be strongly seasoned: pungent, tart and bitter are the flavors that rev up your metabolism and reduce kapha imbalances.
  5. You should avoid: fatty and heavy food, snacks, acidic, sweet and salty food. Goodbye chips and cookies! Dairy products are also not beneficial at all, they congest your nose and throat.
  6. An abhyanga is excellent for kapha disorders. For types who emphasize Kapha, Ayurveda recommends massaging with little oil and strong pressure. You can find out exactly how to do it here.
  7. Find exercise – for body and mind! Escalators and lifts are now taboo. Boring work and monotony promote mental kapha – there is that too. So look for new challenges! Get involved, get involved where you can, volunteer.
  8. Do you know the Ayurvedic hot water? It is boiled for 10 minutes, poured into a warming jug and then you drink it throughout the day as warm as you can tolerate. This releases Ama (metabolic residues) and brings fresh momentum into your life.
  9. You can also drink ginger tea or ginger water for a change. It is slightly spicy and spicy is ideal for kapha disorders!
  10. Movement, movement, movement! It doesn’t have to be a 10k run every day. Nobody can stand that. 20 minutes a day is better than 1 hour once a week. You can read about which type of exercise is the easiest and most effective for Kapha disorders here in the blog post about exercise.

Unsolicited for a tea that I can highly recommend, especially for kapha disorders. It is slightly spicy and has a refreshing effect:

Maharishi Ayurveda Kapha Tee biologisch, 3er Pack (3 x 18 g)

Maharishi Ayurveda Kapha Tee biologisch, 3er Pack (3 x 18 g)

  • Carefully combined for your dosha type: ginger, cloves, black pepper, turmeric and saffron from organic cultivation give the spicy-hot Kapha tea an extraordinary touch.
  • Maharishi Ayurveda Kapha Tea warms you from the inside out and is particularly good in cold, wet weather and in spring.
  • Enjoy the pleasant feeling of balance with an exclusive cup of organic tea. Selected herbs and spices exude a unique aroma and promote the natural balance.

Kapha reducing foods

I wrote my own blog article on the subject of which foods are beneficial for Kapha disorders. There you will find printable lists of foods that are cheap and also those that you should avoid. Have a look here.

Pomegranate seeds Kapha reducing foods

Pomegranate seeds have a Kapha-reducing effect

Get on your socks

The balancing principle in Ayurveda is very simple: always the opposite of what you have too much helps to balance. If you are sluggish and listless, then put on your running shoes and get out! It’s easy to remember, isn’t it?
“So what’s Hubsi now? At least as far as the Elbe?”
“Okay, but don’t race so fast again!” Did I already mention that my dear friend Hubsi has too much Kapha?

Life is movement.
Lisa sends you energetic greetings ♡

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