10 Tricks to Use Excel Like a Pro

Microsoft Excel is the most popular spreadsheet creation and editing program in the world. It is used by individuals and companies to organize data into rows, columns and cells to make it useful and understandable. This program greatly helps to organize work, save a lot of time, perform calculations and analyze data quickly. But many people use Excel with difficulty and do not know the tricks and shortcuts that help facilitate their work. Therefore, in this article, we will give you a list of some Microsoft Excel tricks, these tricks are not the only ones, so we always advise you to research and learn. Read also: Top 5 Free Alternatives to Microsoft Office 1. Automatically number lines If you have a lot of data in a table, it’s best to number them in a custom column, but manual numbering can be time-consuming. Therefore, all lines can be numbered automatically. In order to create a sequential numbering, create a column dedicated to numbers, then type in the first cell the number 1, and in the cell below the number 2, then select the two cells, and drag the fill handle down until you reach the end of the table, then you will find that the numbers have been filled sequentially.

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