15 No Bake Desserts Perfect for Summer

A very light dessert with few ingredients.


Half a liter of whole milk
Vainilla en Rama
200 grams of sugar
6 egg yolks
2 egg whites
Liquid candy

To make a delicious floating island with crème anglaise, the first thing to do is remove half the seeds from a vanilla pod. Then, we put them in a saucepan, along with the milk, and put it over medium heat, so that it warms up.

Separately, mix the yolks with half the sugar in another saucepan and beat with a whisk until you get a fluffy mixture. Next, we add the warm milk to this mixture, but little by little, stirring well so that there are no lumps.

We put the saucepan where we have mixed the yolks, the sugar and the milk over medium heat, and without stopping stirring with a wooden spoon we will wait for it to thicken, without letting it boil. When crème anglaise has the right texture, we place it in individual containers, but without filling them.

Next we make the floating islands. To do this, we beat the whites with the rest of the sugar, until we get a consistent meringue, with a firm texture. Then, place the meringue in small mounds, with the help of a tablespoon, on a microwave-safe dish, lined with baking paper. Cook the islands in the microwave for 20 seconds, at maximum power.

We put the floating islands on top of the English cream and add a little caramel syrup on top, which can be bought or homemade. If we want to do it at home, we only have to heat 200 grams of sugar with four tablespoons of water, over medium heat, and stirring at all times.

When the caramel has acquired a golden tone, we will add, one by one, eleven tablespoons of water, stirring well after each tablespoon that we add. And finally we will have the caramel ready to add above the floating island. Delicious!

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