15 unusual signs of lung cancer. Know the details

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)Cancer causes an estimated 9.6 million deaths annually, or one in six.

Some of the most common types of cancer are: Lung Cancer Stomach and liver, apart from these three, breast, cervical and thyroid cancers are also prevalent, however, some people still have no idea about cancer and how to prevent it.

Lung cancer: understanding the basics

according to the site ” healthlineCancer is a large group of diseases that can affect anyone (regardless of age and gender). Cancer is also a disease that can destroy any organ or tissue of the body, with the uncontrollable growth of unusual or abnormal cells. , and go beyond its usual limits to invade neighboring parts of the body and spread to other organs.

Lung cancer is a condition with abnormal or abnormal growth of cells inside the lungs. According to the data of the World Health Organization, lung cancer accounts for about 13% of all cancers globally. Since the lungs are the two main organs of the breathing mechanism in the human body, many believe that Severe problems with breathing or pain in the upper body are the only signs of this condition. But this is not the case.

There are many symptoms of lung cancer that no one talks about, take a look:

Unusual signs and symptoms of lung cancer

Lung cancer can be a ‘silent killer’, however, there are some unusual signs that your body may exhibit when suffering from this condition. Take a quick look at them:

  • Pain in the arms (both)

  • shoulder pain

  • Low vision or eye problems

  • Budget problem

  • bone pain

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Digestive problems

  • Clubbing of the fingers

  • whistling

  • Extreme thirst or frequent urination

  • severe dehydration

  • Chronic headache

  • heart problems

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Swelling and pain in the man’s breast

Advanced symptoms of lung cancer

Apart from the usual and common symptoms, some advanced symptoms can appear when the condition enters the complex stage. Take a quick look at the progressive symptoms of lung cancer. :

  • persistent cough

  • severe difficulty breathing

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Persistent infections in the chest

  • Coughing up blood

  • hoarse voice

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • blood clots

How do you protect your lungs?

Keeping your organs happy is essential to your overall health. The lungs, one of the most important, require a lot of care to stay active and happy.

Although cancer can be hereditary, some types of cancer are caused or triggered by the daily activities of an individual. Some of the ways to keep the lungs happy are:

  • Say no to smoking

  • Get regular checkups

  • Start doing breathing exercises in the morning

  • Keep your body hydrated

  • Avoid exposure to pollutants as much as possible

  • Eat a healthy diet (add these foods to your plate – greens, beets, apples, turmeric, pumpkin, blueberries, green tea, etc.).

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