#195: A Harley at CES, Chinese on the Moon, Facebook’s lost trust, Scratch 3.0, a bad Christmas for Apple,…

2019-01-03 22:08:00

A new year begins with this week Bruno and Sébastien B. who offer us their selection of Web and high-tech information. News from Apple, the revival of Thunderbird, the Chinese playing hide and seek with the Moon, a big motorcycle at CES are, among other things, some of this information. Good listening ! like Apple (00:02:05)Apple missed Christmas and collapsed on the stock market. (source, source)C for China (00:08:48)China is equipping HLMs with facial recognition locks. (source)C like CNIL (00:14:01)The CNIL has Bouyges Telecom fined for 250k. (source)C for Trust (00:19:19)Tech companies that lost user trust in 2018. (source)E for Space (00:27:16)China places a probe on the far side of the Moon . (source)H like Harley (00:35:35)LiveWire is coming to CES. Marketing planned for 2019. (source)M like Molotov (00:42:40)TF1 blocks Chromecast on Molotov. (source)S like Scratch (00:48:36)Scratch 3.0 is coming to your screens. (source)S for Dark (00:53:03)A dark theme is finally coming for Chrome… on Windows. (source)T like Thunderbird (00:56:46)Thunderbird hires 6 new employees… to improve the UI! (source)T like Twitter (01:01:05)What if we triggered the apocalypse? (source)W like Wéménon (01:04:09)Digital Shaman wants to replace our loved ones. …by robots. (source)In audio hereBruno Pinto (Columnist) IT, freelance web and mobile application developer, I discovered a passion for personal electric vehicles. In order to satisfy this curiosity I launched stores selling and renting electric means of transport.Sébastien Buysse (Columnist) Raised in thongs since my earliest childhood, I immersed myself for many years in free projects, while being independent from the start. I started my career as a consultant, while launching projects over the years such as informaticien.be, and more recently Freedelity, which has occupied 150% of my days in recent years. Tinkerer, and extreme flasher, my office is the dream of bitonios lovers of all kinds! (Okay, almost).Marc Lescroart (Animator / Director) by new media, new technologies, … I have assiduously frequented Belgian radio studios for more than 30 years as a director, producer, columnist, host or even webmaster.

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#Harley #CES #Chinese #Moon #Facebooks #lost #trust #Scratch #bad #Christmas #Apple

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