20 Overrated Health Trends You Should Avoid

Here’s another health trend that promises quick results. A detox juice might sound like the perfect way to restore vitamins to your body, but does it really work? The short answer is “no”. You could also be depriving your body of essential fibers.

“Many clients tell me they need to start a detox to reset their bodies after a long vacation or weekend of celebration,” Chu explains. “But here’s the thing: the organs already do that for you! These are already detoxifying your body on a daily basis, and your body doesn’t need you to punish it to detoxify. It was created for us.”

In addition, the dietitian expresses, “If it is a detox juice, you are removing all the fiber from fruits and vegetables, which regulates the absorption of sugar and helps in the digestion of nutrients. When preparing a juice, only the sugars remain, which the body will absorb extremely quickly, and this will cause blood glucose levels to rise sharply. The best thing you can do for yourself is just go ahead and eat like you normally would in your daily life.”

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