3 persistent myths about baldness, according to an expert from the University of California

  • Rafael Abuchaibe (@RafaelAbuchaibe)
  • BBC News World

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The challenge of solving baldness has motivated scientists for centuries.

It is known that almost 2,000 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates – considered the father of modern medicine for being the first to separate his scientific observations from the religious beliefs that prevailed at the time – spent time observing how hair works, and testing ways to reverse its fall.

And although today we understand much better how the hair system works – in addition to understanding that baldness has various causes, from genetic to environmental -, still Many misconceptions persist regarding what causes hair loss.

image source, microman 6


Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, tried to solve baldness. Is easy to see why.

“Being bald is not necessarily a bad thing,” Carolyn Goh, a dermatologist specializing in hair loss and scalp disorders at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), tells BBC Mundo.



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