3 types of cough that are suspicious

Lung cancer: 3 types of cough that are suspicious

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Lung cancer: 3 types of cough that are suspicious

Among the most common cancers in France, lung cancer is often manifested by episodes of cough that persist as well as by chest pain. To help us spot the red flags in people at risk the NHS, the British public health system, tells us how to identify the cough that should put the chip in the ear.

the lung cancer touches nearly 40,000 people in France and 80 to 90% of cases are linked to tobacco. This disease manifests itself in the event of the uncontrolled development of abnormal cells in the bronchi. It is one of the most murderers due to its ability to metastasize through the blood, taking into account the importance of pulmonary vascularization.

From symptoms the most frequent, we find the cough persistent chest pain, wheezing, or shortness of breath.

Fortunately, not all coughs always signal lung cancer. To help us see more clearly, the NHS, the UK public health system, gives us some clues that can help us identify a suspicious cough. If you are a heavy smoker, they should be taken seriously.

Cough: 3 clues that can reveal lung cancer

According to the NHS, three types of cough should alert, especially if you are a patient at risk for lung cancer. We find :

the cough that lasts more than two or three weeks ; long-standing cough that intensifies ; cough with coughing up blood.

Again, if you find yourself in these symptoms, don’t panic right away, but see your doctor. Other causes can generate this type of symptoms. This is the case with lung or respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

To come back to lung cancer, a lingering hoarse voice more than 3 weeks can also be revealing. People who make bronchitis or recurrent pneumonia must also be vigilant.

Health authorities are also warning us of other symptoms, less known, but which can also be linked to lung tumors. We evoke the swelling of the face and neck, difficulty swallowing food, thickening phalanges of the fingers, pain in the chest and shoulder, and sagging or weak eyelid in one eye.

Lung cancer: are there other causes besides tobacco?

Most lung cancer affects smokers. the smoking being one of the main risk factors. This causal link was established with certainty in the 1960s.

However, it is not the only cause:exposure to second-hand smoke and to airborne carcinogenic particles, like those from theasbestos, of the’arsenic, from radon or some pollutants of air, is equally dangerous for the lungs.

You should also know that the passive smoking can also cause lung cancer. If you’ve been living with a smoker for years, you’re also unwittingly hurting your lungs.

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