38. Vienna City Council (14) | PID press

2023-05-24 23:07:32

Accession of the City of Vienna as a member of the IT forum of the Austrian hospital operators

Vienna (OTS/RK) GRin Mag.a Barbara Huemer (GRÜNE) announced that she would agree to join. However, “substantial” changes are needed when it comes to e-health. She called for a strategy and more funds. Vienna has “a homework to do”. She called for overall solutions and strategies as well as a faster pace of implementation. On the occasion of International Women’s Health Day on May 28, Huemer recalled that the last study on the subject in Vienna dates back to 2006. In an application, she called for a new Vienna women’s health report and regular health reporting.

GR dr Michael Gorlitzer, MBA (ÖVP) reported on various problems in the digital infrastructure in Vienna’s hospitals. According to Gorlitzer, e-health can significantly improve the current situation in the health sector. Different institutions and stakeholders are currently developing their own strategies in an uncoordinated manner. It is foreseeable that this will lead to problems. He mentioned Estonia as a positive example. But it takes more than “lip service”. In an application, Gorlitzer called for a joint strategy summit on the topic of “e-health”.

GR Nikolaus Kunrath (GRÜNE) submitted an application on the subject of recruiting personal assistants for disabled people.

Voting: The postal item was approved unanimously. The ÖVP’s application for the Digital Health System Strategy Summit was assigned to the responsible committee. Likewise the motion for the new Viennese women’s report by the Greens. The Greens’ motion for personal assistance did not find the necessary majority.

Multi-year contract approval for the construction of a Park & ​​Ride facility in Oberlaa

GR Dipl.-Ing. Martin Margulies (GRÜNE) said that the project dates back to 2007, when parking space management throughout Vienna was “unthinkable”. In 2023 there will now be parking space management throughout Vienna and fewer empty garages. For Margulies, the question arises as to whether, in view of this development, it is still necessary to implement this project. He also criticized the planned cheap parking space rents in the facilities. “We are promoting cars instead of reducing traffic,” says Margulies. A rethink is needed, a price of two euros per day for a car parking space is “completely absurd”.

GRin Katharina Weninger, BA (SPÖ) said there were still too few Park & ​​Ride facilities in Vienna. This is not primarily due to Vienna, but also to Lower Austria, which is building too few facilities. She countered the previous speaker, Margulies, that the project will be implemented as part of a major redesign with restaurants, offices and apartments. So you don’t understand the excitement.

Vote: The FPÖ’s application for dismissal was rejected. The post was accepted unanimously.

Funding offer to the Friends of the Vienna Police Association

GR Dipl.-Ing. Martin Margulies (GREEN) described the deal as “absurd”. He believes that well-trained police officers are needed. The police are constantly looking for new employees and also operate a recruiting center. According to Margulies, in this business case a grant of 300,000 euros is to go to the Association of Friends of the Police in order to do recruiting for the police as a private association. There is no need for a “dubious” association or funding from the City of Vienna to search for police personnel.

GR Christian Hursky (SPÖ) said that on the occasion of the security debate, which was also a topic in today’s meeting, it made sense to support this association. The Association of Friends of the Vienna Police supports the police in various areas. He sees the potential to reach more people through the club’s planned recruiting activities than in the existing police recruiting center in Vienna. The people in the club are “decent” and have been committed to the police for many years.

GR Dipl.-Ing. Martin Margulies (GREEN) spoke again. His criticism is not about the club itself, but about the specific measure, which should only be occupied by one person.

Voting: The funding was decided by a majority. (cont.) gaa

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