4 out of 5 people contaminated by this little-known pesticide

2024-02-24 07:00:05

In a study conducted by the Environmental Working Group – EWG, a little-known pesticide, chlormequat, was detected in the bodies of four out of five people examined. This chemical substance, until now remained in theombre (A shadow is a dark area created by the interposition of an opaque object (or only…)raises concerns about its potential effects on santé (Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist…) human, echo of developmental and reproductive disorders observed in studies carried out on animals.

Published on February 15 in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiologythis research (Scientific research refers primarily to all actions undertaken with a view to…) pioneer in the United States analyzed the samples ofurine (Urine is a biological fluid composed of waste from the body. Urine is…) of 96 individuals, revealing the presence of chlormequat in 77 of them.

Chlormequat molecule.
Image from Wikimedia Commons

The discovery calls into question the frequency with which populations could be exposed to this pesticide (A phytosanitary product is a substance emitted into a crop to fight against…)emphasizing a need (The needs are at the level of the interaction between the individual and the environment. It is…) urgent need for regulation and additional studies on its health effects. Notably, the study found increased concentrations of chlormequat in samples collected in 2023 compared to previous years, suggesting increasing consumer exposure to this substance.

Chlormequat, authorized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) only forusage (Use is the action of using something.) on ornamental plants in the United States, has seen its application extended to oats and other imported foods since 2018, with an increase in the quantities authorized in 2020. Faced with this trend, the EWG urges the authorities to strengthen the surveillance and regulation of this pesticide, putting lumière (Light is all electromagnetic waves visible to the eye…) gaps in the protection of public health (Public health can be defined in various ways. Indeed, it can…) face the potential risks linked to food.

The publication also highlights the importance for the Departments of Agriculture and Health, as well as the Food and Drug Administration, to test foods for chlormequat and include this substance in safety programs. biomonitoring. The EWG calls for awareness and immediate action to assess and limit human exposure to chlormequat, vue (Sight is the sense which allows us to observe and analyze the environment through reception and…) to guarantee reinforced food safety.

Finally, the study highlights a notable distinction between organic and non-organic oat products, the latter frequently containing chlormequat, unlike organic products where the substance is rarely detected e. This discovery could encourage consumers to favor organic options to reduce their exposure to potentially harmful pesticides.

#people #contaminated #littleknown #pesticide

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